How to avoid voting in Australia.

in #politics7 years ago

I'm sure many of you believe that voting is a privilege, but I don't see it that way. I see a choice between driving in the left or right lane of a dual-lane highway which ends in that dystopian world we all should know is fast approaching. I've never voted or participated in a consensus because it would really be going against everything I believe in; participating in a system I know is corrupt. A vote is really a way of expressing approval in a system which one should acknowledge is already broken.

Anyway, I'll let the pictures do the talking!

I've never heard anything back so I assume I'm in the clear! Usually I'd just ignore such letters but in recent years I've had more to lose by risking litigation. The thought that someone might actually think their vote makes a difference is so foreign to me. Political parties may campaign on differences. One may be pro gay, the other more traditional... this gives an illusion of choice, where when all the votes have been counted it'll be business as usual with campaign promises broken. Fool you once, shame on them. Fool you twice (or every 4 years), shame on you!