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RE: Universal Basic Income + Automation + Plutocracy = Dystopia

in #politics6 years ago

Worth reading to get to the last paragraph:

A universal basic income could work under a very different system, but the one thing all the most popular UBI/automation models being promoted by the billionaire class and by Andrew Yang have in common is that none of them seek to fundamentally change the system which enables plutocrats to shore up more and more power and control for themselves. They all seek to maintain the status quo and plunge it further into oligarch-dominated dystopia. This should be rejected.

Ultimately, more money (UBI) isn't going to solve the problem that money created. We (the public) will need to envision and create a new system based on Love if we truly want freedom.


Something I've said regarding UBI is that it only works positively and sustainable when the resources spent on UBI is like the free water and washroom in a restaurant. I see no problem in taking 5% of GDP and distributing it equally among very single citizen (who are taxed under a flat tax). This could actually boost the well being of the humankind like the free stuff in a restaurant offers convenience to the customer creating more long term business for the restaurant.

I some countries with a budget surplus citizens get a free check at the end of the year (nothing huge. It's something like a $1000) This is what UBI needs to be. Whenever you start using UBI to eliminate poverty, it will spiral into destroying the nation itself.

UBI should not be an alternative to a job but a helping hand to follow the passions you love knowing that at least you won't go to bed with an empty stomach.

UBI should not be an alternative to a job but a helping hand to follow the passions you love knowing that at least you won't go to bed with an empty stomach.

Correct, a basic level of survival. If a person wants to achieve more / create / do what they are most interested in, then they take responsibility and work towards that end. It's the programmed fear of (artificial) scarcity which drives the current system.