Illegal Immigration & The Garden of Eden

in #politics8 years ago

I know the correlation here might sound like a strange one, but there are great similarities between the Garden of Eden story and Illegal Immigration.  

What was the Garden of Eden, in the book of Genesis in the bible there is a story that most of you are familiar with I am sure.  It details creation and how the world was wrought out of nothing, how creatures were made, and human's created.  Eden was heaven on earth.  Everything was in harmony, nature, animals, the weather.  

Then something unthinkable happened, the snake entered the garden and told the humans that all they had to do was eat of a simple apple from a specific tree and they would have the power of God and could do anything.  Just one bite.. of the fruit and the scales would be removed from their eyes and they'd see the world through new lenses.  

And so they did.. and the world went to hell in a hand-basket.

Immigrants that enter any country illegally are essentially nothing more than thieves. They are tempting by a delicious fruit and told that if they leave their homes and travel to the land flowing of milk and honey, they will be like Gods and will have everything at their feet, money, power, love, freedom, ect.  But when they get here.. it's not as it seems.  Yes they have much of what they were promised in the temptation and yet.. they are always in fear.. fear of being caught.. fear of being deported, fear.. fear.. fear.  

Illegal Immigration is bad for a country, because it takes advantage of a countries benevolence and uses that to curate a system of taking and giving nothing back.  

Right now in America, we have a major problem with illegals.  The media and govt like to try and convince us that there are only 11 million illegals in the US, however, I suspect that the number is really closer to 20+ million.  Every year 25+ BILLION dollars are sent out from America to Mexico.  That is 25 Billion bucks that should have stayed in our country to help fun america, like paying taxes, healthcare, maintenance on the roads and railroads, ect.  Instead.. it is sent out of America by illegals to fund their families still in Mexico.  It's a travesty and it's stealing. 

When will this end?  

The idea of coming into America to taste of the forbidden fruit is a lie.. there is no good that comes of it.


Interesting connection. Not sure the analogy works, but you certainly make your point clearly.

I have to agree with you: Illegal immigration drains the economy and the numbers are far higher than official estimates.

I also think this only one piece of a puzzle, or better put, plan, to undermine our country. There are other positions, philosophies, viewpoints and policies that very clearly harm America, and whether deliberate or the result of stupidity, the effect is pretty clear.

What bothers me even more than the illegal immigration though is the complete lack of awareness in the public of what's going on. The ignorance and puerility are stultifying.

It will stop when we fix the immigration system so they can come here legally, and/or when farmers stop wanting to use cheap labor so they can make more money.

True. I hope that day comes sooner than later. =D

Very true! We have a real problem... you didn't even mention the crime that happens due to Illegals.

Your right.. two years ago a Catholic Nun was killed in a head on accident, the guy that hit her ran from the scene. They caught him later that night. He was an illegal that had been arrested for DUI 4 times.. and he was still here in the US.

All that you write is just a small portion of what's really going on in US . Here in Europe we see maybe better picture that you guys in States . A number of documentaries in past few years showing problems in border states . Customs officers struggle to find them all , Police chasing drug smugglers ....But after that you see hundreds of Mexicans working on green salat fields . Why those landlords employing them ? Why not Americans ?

I think for those across the pond from us, Europe, are experiencing so many more issues with illegal immigrants.. I feel really bad for Europe. I think it's more of a 5th column invasion into your countries than anything. The people coming in are not families, they are young men mostly... I hope Europe can get a grip on the flood, I read recently about how George Soro's is behind this flood into Europe hoping to destabilize and cause war.

Problem is massive , in Sweden is a chaos ( check youtube ) , where i have lived problems with solo players all day long . Few families you can see , maybe , rest of them god knows from where they come . They burn cars , throw bricks to police , without any normal cause . They have apartments , they receive money ( around i think 8000 SEK - 800 EUR , they want LCD's , they want more money . They move in packs like wolves , usually 5-10 in groups , fcn around with people bad language to girls ....And they don't want to work . I have never seen people like that .

It is horrible!! A tragedy.. and yes.. they hate women.. and are there for one reason only.. to cause chaos. That is after all, what the 'Religion of Peace' is all about.. chaos. I feel bad for you.. I have kept up to date with what is happening Sweden and it's a travesty!

Sweden has a problem with fertility , less and less domestic population is born . So Sweden has a program ( not official , it's talked mouth to mouth ) to grow population . You see , 98 % of Sweden is uninhabited so they need a lot of people . And these people have unmatched birth rate , 8 kids per family !!! In following 10-30 years Sweden will make of them working class . Believe me they will . Thru schools , thru sports they will comply with laws and system . Now it is a problem but government will handle that . In a time to come .

Yes.. but.. Iggy.. in 10-30 years.. Sweden will be ruled by Islamic powers.. and not swedish. They will take over your country.

How on earth do you add 2 +2 = 5 do you not have a duty of care for your brother and the whole of mankind is your brother and sister not worth anything, the eye of the needle sums up this post if you are religious.

Taking care of my brother is one thing.. letting my brother steal from me is another. If you want to take a religious point of view on this.. Jesus was asked by the people about paying taxes to Caesar and he responded "Give back to Caesar that which is Caesar's and give to God what is Gods".

So too.. in this case.. the illegals are stealing from us.. they are not putting into the pot.. they are only taking out. Therefore what they are doing is wrong. There is no justice in letting a thief steal from you, is there?