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RE: Some women are turning against feminism

in #politics8 years ago

I am not sure this can be responded to in a short comment, but I sense a subtext here that extends beyond feminism, and extends into cultural dialogue, in general.

I have little doubt that the original ideals behind early interpretations of "feminism" addressed some much needed changes... but in today's society I think a lot gets lost in this... the pervasive tendency to "be outraged." As long as we can remain "outraged" at something, it feels like we're taking action somehow... and that must lead to change, even IF the things we're outraged about no longer make functional sense.

As a metaphor, think of a government department that was created to address a certain popular issue. Well, now the popular issue has been addressed and changed... ideally the government department would disband but it doesn't want to, so increasing degrees of hair splitting are examined as "issues" mainly as a justification for said government department to continue to get its funding and employ its officials. Even though it's obsolete.

Am I suggesting feminism is obsolete? Maybe not entirely, but it seems to me that things have gone off-course, perhaps in service of "keeping the fires burning," on axes that have less and less need to be ground. If that makes sense.