Some of my politically incorrect opinions

in #politics7 years ago
  • Vote should be counted based on IQ : Lets say if a person with 100 IQ represents 1 vote than person with 70 IQ will add only 0.7 vote and person with 200 IQ will add 2 votes.

  • Concept or idea of open society is a myth : Multiculturalism is bull shit. All the major problems like race, ethnicity, religion, sexual preference, etc. in the world today is because of open society funda.

  • No one should be allowed to have more than two children : Since most of the world is starving today, it would be only fair for them if this idea would be followed.

  • Every geographical area should have equal law : I say it as uniform civil law. And no, its not followed now. Everyday we are getting discriminated based on my religion/caste.

  • Each and every human on this planet are racist : I mean its just dormant inside us and whenever situation arises we start discriminating. Look at the west world, at first they ignored rest of the world and now since they have faced it. They are becoming impatient.

  • Freedom of Speech and expression is relative and its not absolute : Self explanatory!

  • Undocumented immigration is a crime, and should be punished : I mean anyone who is clean then he must not have any problem in white collar immigration. Because of illegal immigrants , one who has legally migrated are seen as culprit.

  • Building fences/walls on the country border is right : Again, if someone is legal then he must not have any problem.

  • World is at peace because of atom bombs : Has there been any serious war since Hiroshima and Nagasaki event? Think about it!

  • The peaceful majority of Muslims is not entirely true : Half of the Muslims support Sharia law, the same law that ISIS wants to impose on the world. Image source Pew