Islamic Terrorists Walking Freely Amongst Us

in #politics7 years ago


Walking Amongst US

Throughout the UK there are known Islamic terrorists who are intent in bringing the West under Islamic domination through violence.

UK security services MI5 has approx 3000 Islamic terrorist suspects on their watchlist and approx a further 23,000 on a people of interest list. The security services have admitted that they do not have the capability to monitor all these people. So now we have them freely walking amongst us largely unmonitored and ready to kill people at anytime, which they have done and will do again. Not if, but when.

Any of these people who are not full UK citizens should be deported immediately. I don’t care if their life is in danger by sending them home or they claim their human rights will be breached. I don’t care if the EU or anyone else says we can’t do it. We need to do it now. Our priority is to protect the peaceful citizens of this country and not those who want to kill them or destroy our culture.

As for the rest of them are that are UK citizens the situation is a bit more tricky. These people are not what you would call native British citizens with a long family history in Britain. They are recent migrants or children of migrants who settled here over the last few decades. I’m not sure what to do with them, however, what we can do is to make sure that no further Islamists take root in the UK by stopping all further migration from Muslim countries. At least for a few years so that we can access how the people that are already here are going to integrate and to see how Islam in general is going to affect UK society and culture. In my opinion we have enough Islam in the UK already and I don’t know of any reason why we need more. Why do we need more? the UK was doing just fine without it and will continue to do so. It is far too dangerous to allow Islam to continuously grow unchecked

We must take a firmer stance and do it now. If you agree with this then write to your MP and tell them so.


It's all part of the big plan. Open up then borders and let them all in to terrorize the people. Then start taking all their rights and freedoms away, all in the name of "safety".

just keep spreading the word about the problems being caused. Don't be terrorized by them. Get to know your neighbors, get together and don't allow their "religion of peace" to take over your neighborhoods. That is a strategy used. Flood a small community of a few thousand people with 500 of these so called immigrants (military aged males) then they end up taking over the small town by means of force and fear. Stand your ground!! Do what is right

So true it must be stopped. Hey some said if they don't take pork off menus they will leave. Start requesting pork every where you go!!!!

Dah ha ha nice!!

Any ideas how to stop it apart from the pork?

Share information from the Koran, just gives quotes from it. Don't add or delete anything to it. People will see it for what it is.

Yes I agree, we should not be risking the danger.