Antifa Fascists

in #politics7 years ago

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Antifa – The Antifascist Fascists

Antifa, meaning Antifascist. claim to fight fascism, Nazi’s, white supremacists, racism, discrimination, the so called elites and defend minority groups. They are a mix of anarchists, socialists, communists, revolutionists, and generally are on the political left in some way.

Over the decades Antifa have actually stood up to these people and their ideologies, which is good, however what is happening in recent times shows an Antifa that has completely lost touch with reality causing them to behave in the same way as what they propose to oppose. They demonstrate a generation of angry, violent, ill-educated, self serving, opportunist, power hungry idiots who don't know what or who they are fighting.

One problem is that of labelling. The term fascist, Nazi and white supremacist etc. used to be reserved for those who actually were. However, nowadays there is a growing trend to label anyone on the right, anyone conservative or anyone who wants to express a viewpoint different to theirs as the same. Anybody who doesn’t belong to a minority group, anyone who is a straight white male, anyone who is a patriot, anyone who values western culture and would like preserve it, anyone who has concerns over immigration levels and control, anyone who voted for Trump, any right wing journalists, anyone in law enforcement and anyone who dares to highlights the problems within Islam or religion are all evil fascist Nazi, racist, Islamophobe now.

It has gotten so ridiculous that people such as Ben Shapiro (a Jew), Amber Cummings (transvestite) Dinesh D’Souza, Ayaan Hirsi Ali (ex-Muslim), Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, Milo Yiannopolous (homosexual) and a long list of others have all been labelled and are targets of Antifa.

And once you have given someone the label you have then justified, to yourself anyway, that taking direct action against them in the form of violence and disruption is acceptable. Antifa often dress in black and cover their faces in cloth before embarking on a rampage of violence and disruption against anyone who they have given the label to, which seems to be everyone not part of Antifa these days. They plough into crowds of peaceful protestors and demonstrators with their fists, feet, shields, pepper spray, smoke grenades, molotov cocktails and whatever they can use to inflict violence on anyone they disagree with. They cause disruption to debating halls, university campuses and anywhere where people such as those listed above want to peacefully have a debate, give a talk or share ideas. The FBI and Homeland security have stated that Anarchic extremists and Antifa are the primary instigators of violence at public rallies.

Antifa are against free speech, against democracy, against debating with reason, evidence and logic, against anyone who wants to peacefully express their own opposing viewpoint and ultimately are against a free and peaceful society. Antifa have gone way beyond their primary purpose of fighting genuine fascism and have become anti-fascist fascists. If the people involved with Antifa were allowed to run the country we would end up with a fascist regime, which is kind of ironic isn’t it.

Antifa is supported by professionals within academia, celebrities and left wing media who try to paint Antifa as the good guys who are justified in being violent. Fortunately, because of social and alt media there is a lot of information online showing just how bad Antifa are. So, check it out for yourself.


I think Antifa is one of the examples of a word Fascism being misused. I am going to research more myself.