Biggest and best example of HYPOCRISY you will ever find. Not surprisingly, it comes from the LEFT.

in #politics7 years ago (edited)


  1. the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform.

 synonyms: dissimulation, false virtue, posturing, affectation, speciousness, empty talk, insincerity, falseness, deceit, dishonesty, mendacity, pretense, duplicity, sanctimoniousness, sanctimony, pietism, piousness, phoniness, fraud

Some from Liberal left may be upset with the example I have chosen.

But please, please, please watch the video below as President Obama explains, on multiple occasions, why an executive order like DACA is unconstitutional.

President Obama was a law professor that taught Constitutional Law.  He explains, very eloquently and with perfect accuracy, what the appropriate role is for a President, and what the appropriate role is for Congress in writing new laws. The President is NOT ALLOWED to write new laws.

And then President Obama went and passed DACA using an Executive Order, which he knew was unconstitutional.  He said so himself.  You saw him say it in the video above.

The situation has gotten worse, now that Obama has re-inserted himself on the scene and is claiming it is cruel for Trump to have sent DACA to be re-worked in the Congress into a law using proper Constitutional process.

Obama said himself that DACA was a temporary measure that would have to be redone later.  Obama said all that DACA could achieve was Deferred Action, until a new law was written using the correct constitutional process.

Let's practice using the synonyms we reviewed earlier, to summarize President Obama's position with respect to his unconstitutional DACA executive order.

Obama is a hypocrite. 

Obama is insincere. 

Obama is deceitful. 

Obama is dishonest. 

Obama is sanctimoniousness. 

Obama is a phony. 

Obama is a fraud.

All those points are provably true. But that is not really the bad news.

The really bad news is:

More than 50% of the American public were so gullible that they were conned by Obama's BS.  

They actually thought they could keep their doctor, because Obama told them it was so (and he kept repeating that lie long after he knew he wasn't telling the truth)

Please upvote and resteem if you found this hypocrisy to be disgusting and nauseating  (or for any other reason that you feel warrants an upvote or a resteem).



some content from Youtube and google helped with the definition


I feel like the bad news is , we put so much trust into our leaders and believe everything they say, I guess we are very gullible.. we are promised one thing , then another thing happens . We are told this is what will happen now and then change , but nothing really happens . False promises , false everything ..

Perhaps it shows the innate goodness and decency of the American public to expect their leaders wouldn't tell bald faced lies.

Or too many are too gullible is the other option.


We are so blinded by currppt leaders , it's sad..

Full Steam ahead !

I think the biggest thing about obama was that he knew what he was doing was illegal and unconstituional. He just didn't care. He knew that as a democrat and being recognized as a black (even though he was also half white genetically), he could get away with doing things that a white republican guy would be pilloried for. Hell, just look at how the media and the liberal howlers are going after President Trump for simply terminating obama's illegal order.

Affirmative action by the liberal MSM. Obama was treated with kid gloves. His treatment from the press was much more deferential than MSM showed to either Bush or Trump.

MSM showed their true colors with the lying scandals of Williams and Rather

More than 50% falling for that BS is still an improvment to 100 years ago. Seeing with all the tools they have at their disposal as well to influence people...
Those are a lot of good synonyms for a hypocrite xD

Agreed that the tools available today allow a tech savvy politician to manipulate much of the voting public.

So there is space in the market for an app that can detect and call out political BS.

And it isn't PolitiFacts, which is as far left leaning in its opinions as any media outlet

Gonna need some app with a built in lie detector for that to work xD

I am not so much familiar with the US law system. This opend my eyes a bit. And if i understand correctly Trump is now douing what the justice system of the US should have done 5 years ago.

The justice system can only act on cases that are brought to it. Uniformly agreed that if someone had brought a suit against DACA it would have been declared unconstitutional. But no one ever brought a suit, so no court case ever held. So the justice system could not act.

Trump is undoubtedly doing the right thing. By making the lawmakers in Congress write a law that addresses immigration. That is their role.

Congress has been falling down on their job for more than 8 years. They need a kick in the pants

Ah i see, tnx for clarifying

To be fair: he's just an average politician who goes against his principles when it's convenient. Look at same-sex marriage...

Positions can change over time. People do evolve. I'm OK with evolving opinions. It might mean you are alive and thinking. Maybe.

BUT, I have no tolerance with people who tel outright bald-face lies, when they KNOW they are lying.

Obama did that regularly with the American people.

what does that tell us about the MainStreamNewsMedia and the Republicans (in name only)?

RINOs are getting tiresome. Unfortunately the districts have been so redrawn and redistricted, that even RINOs are hard to displace. It is possible. But it takes a great challenger and a lot of money.

I'm not sure if it's possible except in VERY rare cases.
Like Ted Cruz.
I've about given up.

If you read about monkeysphere, dunbar's number, behavioral sinks, rat utopia, and the Iron Law of Bureaucracy you'll understand why. I'm not being pessimistic...just facing facts.

Awesome post @davebrewer

Upvoted and resteemed

That's the irony of the situation !!

Another good one @davebrewer. Our government is in sad sad shape!! There is soo much BS goin on I got tired of even hearing about it. I had to step away from it for a long time. Keep up the good work. I enjoy checking out your posts.

i kand of making a point here :)