To Those Who Believe in the Trump/Putin Conspiracy Theory

in #politics6 years ago (edited)


Please tell me why I should attach any credence to the information, allegations, and pontifications emanating from our government, intelligence communities [sic], and media regarding Russian/Putin meddling, or collusion with Trump. For it seems to me an easy matter to compile a litany of heinous, egregious, and disastrous lies they've told. Enough, at least, to convince any rational mind of their propensity for bullshit. And their disdain for the truth should it prove an impedance to their goals, which it most often does.

To wit:

*The 'we need to carpet bomb Libya to protect Muslims from the evil Gaddafi' lie. They were our Muslims. Aided, abetted, and agitated by western intelligence agencies [sic] and special forces (along with NATO) they acted the role of agent provocateurs while falsely being cast as rebels against the tyrant by the media and politicians. Libya was on their hit list since Reagan, remember that? I do...

*The 'Saddam has WMDs' lie. Remember Colin Powell's absolute and undeniable slide show of proof on the T.V. news? I do...

*The 'the Taliban refuses to hand over bin Laden so we'll have to invade' lie. The Taliban said they couldn't give him up without proof or evidence of his involvement in 9/11. Bush said the demands were not open to negotiation or discussion. This was because he had no evidence, and also because the Taliban was a bit iffy on his oil pipeline plans, not to mention poppies and plunder. I don't remember the media saying much about that. Do you?

*I'll pass on 9/11. If you don't find the official explanation suspect by now it is highly unlikely that you could have gotten past the first paragraph.

*The 'humanitarian operation on behalf of ethnic Albanians' lie for the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. This, as in Libya and recently Syria, is the agent provocateur scenario. The ethnic Albanians that they were intervening on behalf of were comprised of the notorious KLA. Some of bin Laden's boys were shipped in from fighting the Russians in Afghanistan to help escalate the terrorism directed at Yugoslav president Milosevic. And the rest is more bloody history. And the railroading of Milosevic at the ICTY. The Washington Post mentioned bin Laden's presence in Bosnia at the time, my research tells me, but somehow fails to connect any inconvenient dots. I remember a favorite picture of the media was of an emaciated Bosnian man behind some barbed wire which was meant to be perceived as a concentration camp. The trouble with that was that he was looking in from the outside at the camera crew and the equipment that was inside being protected by the barbed wire fence. Remember that picture?

*The 'Saddam is killing babies in incubators in Kuwait' lie to stir up support for the Gulf War. They set up a Congressional Human Rights hearing to prove that one to us. Thing was, their principal witness, a 15 year old woman named Nayarih who said that she was a volunteer at Kuwaiti hospitals and had seen the babies pulled from incubators and left to die on the floor, was really the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States. Then there was the surgeon who claimed to have witnessed some of the horror but turned out to be a dentist. I don't remember that in real time but I've seen some footage. Have you?

*I'll jump now as the list is more than sufficient but i don't want to leave out my personal favorite: 'The NV attacked us in the Gulf of Tonkin so it's time to escalate this Vietnam thing' lie that resulted in over 1.3 million deaths. I remember Johnson's announcement of this but was too young to entertain the idea that he might be lying. He was, of course.

*Events they told whoppers about that deserve honorable mention: JFK, RFK, MLK, and Malcom. Iran Contra, Waco, the Murrah building, and, well, just about everything, including the pretense for every war we've ever been in.

So just why in the hell are you believing them now? To impeach Trump? Do you really want to impeach a president based on their lies? Do you think you'll like what they have in mind? By believing their demonizing lies about Putin will you feel partially responsible when the first nukes of armageddon fly? Do you think they won't do it? Think again.