Is Pro West Racist?

As I stated in my previous article,, Donald Trump presented a speech with the world as his stage in defense of Western Society and Values. Predictably, the left reacted with the tired and usual responses. Racism.
In The Atlantic Peter Beinert responded:
In his speech in Poland on Thursday, Donald Trump referred 10 times to “the West” and five times to “our civilization.” His white nationalist supporters will understand exactly what he means. It’s important that other Americans do, too.
Amanda Marcotte in responded:
That this is true should hardly be worth debating. Trump argued that Western (read: white) nations are “the fastest and the greatest community” and the “world has never known anything like our community of nations.” He crowed about how Westerners (read: white people) “write symphonies,” “pursue innovation” and “always seek to explore and discover brand-new frontiers,” as if these were unique qualities to white-dominated nations, instead of universal truths of the human race across all cultures.
I could cite more examples ad nauseam but the message from the left is clear. If your heritage is Western European (read: white people) and you have a modicum of pride in your heritage and show even the slightest of interest in perpetuating you heritage, you are racist and something is horribly wrong with you.
The left is beginning to struggle because they have married themselves to these identity politics. Sure they will always be strong with the true believers and identity groups but the left is continually losing hold with the average white person because their litmus is, “You are not welcome, unless you bend the knee and profess your white guilt.” Unfortunately there are many white people that will do this, whether they realize it or not but increasingly many people of Western Heritage are turning away from the radical left. And make no mistake there is increasingly little distinction between the left and the radical left today.
So if you are of European heritage the question you need to ask yourself is, is being Pro West racist and if so are you going to bend the knee to the left?
Photo By Joseph Karl Stieler -, Public Domain,
If you google "black power" you will learn that is a way of black people to celebrate thier culture and identity. However, if you google "white power" it will say that is a term used by racists and white nationalists to celebrate their superiority over other races. The left are hopeless...
Was that "black/white power" or "black/white pride"? I seem to remember it being the google results for pride, not power. Let me check
this one shows pride, which is kind of worse since what's wrong with being proud?
But searching google right now gives this result for black power
"Black Power is a political slogan and a name for various associated ideologies aimed at achieving self-determination for people of African descent. It is used by African Americans in the United States."
But when you search "white power" there is no number one listing for the term in google and it just shows results for "white supremacy" instead with the first link being wikipedia.
There is nothing inherently wrong with liking your culture or "tribe", but rather that is natural. As a WASP, I don't care if you are a proud Black or Asian or what ever, it makes no difference to me, but why can I not be a proud White, with out being racist? I actually love it when someone calls me racist, because then I can just point to my Asian wife and 50/50 kids, and say really?
I hope that one day, we in the US, will start to see each other as Americans first, then we can start to put this crap behind us.
I enjoyed the show "Northern Exposure." I love Southern cooking. There's a lot of wisdom in Eastern philosophy, but I hate Kanye West.
Western people have done everything they can to accommodate others, opening our borders, giving away our families wealth, saying how sorry we are, forcing diversity, shaming ourselves... Etc. Western christians have been pushed against the wall as they try to lift up the planet, pouring ungodly amounts of effort to help others, and the response... hatred, exclusion, anger. It is unbelievable how hated the globally most charitable group is. Western nations should globally stop all foreign aid, we should shut our borders, deport everyone who is not a full citizen and watch the world spiral into depression.
No such thing as western values in my opinion
I wrote about the very same thing. this whole thing is so stupid isn't it? I get a response from somebody who references a stupid article which doesn't prove anything.
Fascinating discussion below...
Personally, when I consider "the west" as an entity, I find myself looking past race, religion, politics, etc.
That said, what are the overarching values of "the west"? What would you say we collectively value?
Freedom as a general principle?
Freedom of speech?
Equality of opportunity?
Willingness to help one another?
What do we all share?
I've got no answers, only questions...would love to read anybody's input...