America What is happening

in #politics9 years ago


Hello, coming to you from The USA, and ashamed, that we are down to two politicians that continue to slander each other to gain votes, by putting racist propaganda about each other, defaming each other's achievements. It is very damaging to our Great Country. We have traded our values for political gains, and power. The whole idea about our country is freedom of speech, democracy, and not putting all of the power in one branch's hands to make decision based on reasons other than what is right for the American People. Hilliary and Donald are not presidential material, they do not carry their integrity, values and morals properly. It is like it is a big game to them. Hillary to be the first female President, Donald, well, just to say he did it I think.

The road we are going down, we are losing major credibility in the world. We are #1, we need to act like it. We need someone to work on our country's issues, racism is a problem, but black americans need to take some ownership, pull the race back in, the rappers, thugs, and inner city issues are a real problem. People are delusional, thinking selling drugs is the right way to live because Uncle Sam screwed them, it has to cease, calling each other's derogatory names, in normal discussions, whether there is an a or er at the end, gain some respect and think of all of the black americans who died because of their color. Until the black folks respect each other, they will not be respected.

Flip side, white americans that cannot get past color should be ashamed. Quit judging a race by the minority that make the news by being ignorant. Get out and meet some people of different races, religion, we must be more open. I am ashamed to be American these days, just mind boggling that we have gone so far back.

Media is horrible, just a true shame. They create drama everywhere. Misreporting, selective reporting, every one should respect the current situation in America we are going down the drain.

Be nice, extend a hand to someone outside of your comfort zone, be open to discuss real issues without using hatred as a motive to disconnect. We need to come together as a country, and world, we have big problems.


You make some great points! I bet you'd enjoy Michael Moore's documentary Where will we invade next.

I'll have to check it out!