Letter to America: Trump is the Best President We've Ever Had

in #politics6 years ago

I'd like to offer my strongest respect to POTUS out of every US president since the first one I was aware of: Reagan.  In those days, I wasn't aware of the toxicity and mendacity of the  MSM, so I took the media's word that Reagan was the harmless buffoon  they made him out to be - the guy from the movie who played alongside a chimp. I didn't realise then that he was doing his bit to take down the cabal, a nearly fatal move that had GWB try to 187 him.  The Bush, Clinton and Obama eras were so depressing that I must  confess to developing a deep and passionate hatred for the USA over  those dark years. The legion of crimes the US unleashed upon the world  drew me to the conclusion that the whole of the United States of America  was clinically insane. The media would show us footage of Americans  enthusiastically calling for revenge for 9/11, even though by 2003 it  was embarrassingly obvious that the whole thing was a hoax. The death  and bloodshed the US visited upon the world, from Operation Desert  Storm, through the 9/11-sponsored carnage in Iraq and Afghanistan, then  Libya, Syria and on and on - just made me think that all Americans ever  seem to want is blood.  How could I have known that it was all a decades-long Deep State war  against humanity itself? I was aware, of course, that pretty much all US  presidents are related by blood to the ruling monarchies of Europe, but  pre-internet, it was hard to put everything together. I devoured the  books of David Icke, but the DS quickly trashed his reputation and no one else I knew would even read his books. I couldn't even lend his books out to friends to read.  Then at last, along comes a man out of nowhere, brash, bullish and  brimming with confidence, and simply rolls up his sleeves and cracks  everyone's heads together, telling them the party's over. Go home, cabal. You're drunk.  His "I Don't Give A Fuck" attitude is breathtakingly refreshing. That  picture of him at the NATO summit, arms folded, lips pursed in almost  child-like defiance - with Merkel standing over him and everyone in the  room baffled and bewildered at this man's impertinence, was the moment  that flicked a switch in my head and made me fall in love with him. Here  it is:

That picture tells a thousand words. Donald J. Trump simply does not  give one flying fuck about NATO or the "world leaders" around him,  pressing, cajoling, bullying him and trying to bend his will, whilst he  just stares back at them and waits for them to shut up so he can leave. I  mean, who cannot love such delicious disobedience to the monumental  forces arranged against him?  He draws no salary, and has no sponsors. Nobody owns him. The cabal can't buy him - and it's driving them completely fucking insane. He doesn't give a shit what people say about him, and he cares little or nothing for his image or his standing in  world.  Truly, he is the first politician I have ever known who speaks his  mind, speaks the truth, and is actually carrying out his campaign  promises. He has ushered in an economic renaissance to America, and even  a reluctant media can't ignore the millions and millions of jobs being  created by an increasingly confident nation. Recently, the BBC broadcast  a vox pop with a scattering of Americans and the phrase that  was repeated by nearly everyone interviewed was "business is booming".  This was repeated across a spectrum of states. Again, this is all brand  new.  Like the UK when it lost its empire, the USA had resigned itself to  managed decline by the end of the Obama era. It seemed inevitable that  America would bow its head as China stole its lunch. It would go quietly  into the night, worn out and defeated by globalism, shuffling towards  its own grave, fatally wounded by the New World Order, never to rise  again.  Then Trump.

We're making America great again, and will keep America great in 2020.