So what is LiFe LiKe in 2017 ?

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

G'Day ;

WeLL seriously it is pretty Flicked 2 BEE Honest !

Consider America, in 1861 till 1865 The United States endured a CiViL WaR over Slavery, today there are FAR more Economic Slaves in America than the 40 % of the 1861 percentage of the Population who were LEGALLY Slaves . . .

I am an Aussie and The Land of OZ is so far removed from the modern world as it may as WeLL be Located on Planet MaRs ! ! !

Russia is now RUN by Criminal Gangsters today I believe, China is a Communist Party dictatorship ; so that LeaVES America is the ONLY World SuperPower who has any potential I THiNK, simply because Britian iS Already bankrupt ...

America is bankrupt also by it is so isolated geographically that NO one can " Collect " the monies owed to them by America . . .

??? Not sure if I am telling the TRUTH ? check out the following Link ( if you are NOT prone to seizures or Fits from rapidly changing numbers ! ! ! )

Thank The Maker I am an Aussie :)

And you stupid FLIcks KEEP electing the walking cockroaches who have simply managed to " dress 4 success and speak soothing words that you WANT to Hear ...

I have spent MANY Months TRYiNG to find Americans who want to change their futures . . .

As far as I am concerned you can never have to much money, that means BiLL Gates & Warren Buffet are the only dudes who can sit back and enjoy their Fifty BiLLion Dollar petty cash accounts ...

That means " The Don " is simply a Lying ' pretender ' who is simply Letting everyone be distracted by this whole Comey / Election / Russia BuLLshiP . . .

Comey HAS ALREADY testified that " the Don " whispered in his ear ' looking fwrd 2 workin with yah ' or something Like that, today this whole puppet charade is played out by mass media who want Ratings and advertising dollars ...

WHY because that is their ' vehicle ' for making MONEY, the same as Ophra used daytime Television to make money ; think about it . WTF does sum1 who makes 80 MiLLion dollars a year AND HAD a 24 hour LiVe in CHEF have THREE or four " weight - control - issues " ? I Believe it was more about ' Reinventing ' herself for her adoring public who support her . . .

Do NOT get me wrong on this point !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I do NOT give a FLying FLIck about Ophra, she DiD what she HAD 2 do 2 Survive & prosper in America; wanting to become a serious JOURNALIST in America in the 1960's ? she found her ' genetic - make - up ' was a " hindrance " . So OPHRA ' reinvented ' herself as " the Queen of Daytime Television " , I admire her for that and some of the issues she raised awareness for ; OPHRA even got " Flicked over " by the ' Cattle - Barons ' :)

But make NO mistake Lady OPHRA iS a match for a boy's - club of rich FLIcks wearing FLIckin big hats !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Back to " the Don " 2011 allegedly he ticks a box ; on some form , something LiKE ' I do NOT give a FLIck about joining ANY political Party ; allegedly that was December 2011 ; LESS than FIVE years Later he moved into his new " Man - Cave " ; the ' OvaL Office ' ... Whatever the FLIck that is , seriously who designs a room in the shape of an OVAL , a CIRCLE would e weird enough ; it's the Government right ????????????????????????????????

I Believe " the Don " cares about THREE things ,

  1. Donald ,
  2. money ; Money ; MONEY ,
    & 3) his worthless nepotism , ( I have EVERYTHING in MY Resume EXCEPT the word NEPOTISM ) dumb fuck kids ...

He simply told a LOT of POLiTICAL FaNaTiCS a load of KRAP they " wanted to hear " & got elected, when the election got to close to call ; Comey released his " Oh FLIck LOOK @ Hillary's emails again BuLLship again I Believe " . . .

You pathetic dumb morons FeLL for it " HOOK LinE and Sinker " , seriously the only FLIcks Dumber than you Americans are those smiling RELIOUS fanatics who interrupt their goat Flicking as they smilingly strap on suicide bomb vests to their KiDs !!!

PoLiticaL fanatics are as STUPiD as ReLigious Fanatics , not sure about " Brainwashing " ?

Check out the ' Heavens - Gate " cult !!!

LoL ; this wiki Link might save you some time since you are BUSY Living Life & being and economic SLave !!!

in case your wondering ; NO I have NEVER edited such a page ( check the WiKi page History ) ,

Sorry but DUMB FLIcks R truly dumb FLIcks ; 4 those morons who believe they are gonna go sumwear and find 72 blessed Virgins , they R morons...

. . . the year is 2017 , there ain't no 72 Virgins of consensual age around !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ANY person Should KNOW this except IdIOts of course !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


There was EVEN this ARZEHOLE in Congress who actually met JFK ; he got elected since his father died " in office " and he was there for almost 99 years , in FACT I believe he was one of the useless FLIcks who helped give YOU the 2007 / 2008 economic recession...

this dumb - arze fanatical professional politician simply Let a bunch of political fanatics KEEP electing him into pblic office for OVER Fifty years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He was allegedly LOVED & Admired by most other members of Congress who I believe WISHED they could find a STUPID Voting public as Moronic as the dumb FLIcks who kept electing this slithering well dressed piece of gutter trash into public office !!!!!!!!!!!!

the THREAT to DEMOCRACY today is not Alqeda or Isis or IsiL or whatever the FLIck these goat - FLIckers are called by your propaganda specialists ; LiKe Joseph GoebeLLs of Nazi Germany Fame ( WorLd War Two Fame ) who got HANGed by Eisenhower by the Way , sort of ...

the threat to democracy is the professional politician who will DO Anything, SAY anything or Be anything for a chance to get reelected !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the professional politician is slithering cancer and a threat to democracy simply by LYiNG more often than they tell the truth, YOU threat is NOT some remote foreign group attacking you democracy ; YOUR elected politicians are simply doing the CANCER 4 Them...


why fight a WaR when you already have vermin trying to destroy the very fabric from within ???

professional politicians spend more time pan handling & begging for money than they do reviewing future legislation . . .

at least that is all I can see, those useless FLIcks gave you the 2008 economic recession and then spent your tax dollars to bail out the banks ; NOW they want you to contribute your AFTER tax dollars to a WALL who will make some worthless Land owner Rich, guess where SUM of that money WiLL ' FLow ' into ' ;)

LoL ; seriously, honestly YOU if you support these walking bags of skunk manure ; YOU should be given a one way ticket to Afghanistan so some more intelligent American can return home safely !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SIXTEEN years , for the World's LEADING # 1 Super-Power to Lose a WAR against two countries who have no military forces, seriously , that is gonna go down in the history books for the next 9 thousand years after The United States is Long forgotten LOL ...

America History's greatest LOSER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lol , you are so blinded by propaganda you CANNOT EVEN see it . . .


In case you are wondering , if this litte chat goes viral sum dumb fLIck working 4 the government will create Lots of " evidence " on their Laptops about who I have been having sex with osamba bin ladens dead body or whatever ...

That " evidence " is no more real than my personal belief that any modern politician will HAPPILY dig up their dead grandmothers corpse for the Liver to sell for fifty bucks !!!

THAT is not meant to be offensive, it is simply to portray the governmental Lackeys and Flunkies who keep these VERMIN in power simply to protect their J-O-B-s and pension funds ...

THAT does NOT make them Heroes ; it simply makes them RETARDS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Continuing to re-elect gutter - trash into public office means MORE of the worst over time . . .

at Least Charles Manson is where HE belongs, I believe he should have a lot of Congress in adjoining ceLLS . . .

professional trust fund babies are the cancer of modern society ; ask most surgeons if you have a MAGLIGIANT cancer you GOT to cut it out or the society will die ...

Comey only released those emails after the election became to close to call , I believe Obama knew this which is why he did NOT Much to support HiLLary ; after all , America is a BOYS Club !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


you are such dumb FLIck's ; seriously WHY could I NOT have found beautiful women as STUPiD as you back when I was dating ! !! !

/ Hugz ;)

America has a LONG established pattern of NOT electing the same party after TWO terms ... once it became so close the investigation into those ALREADY decided emaiLs HAd to be reopened :)

as Comey testified under oath , YEP " the Don " is happy to have me distracting the public with the Russia BuLLship . . .

I believe any electoral interference in the Last Presidential Election was NOT from outside the USA, simply because it was not any further away than MAiNLand USA :)

You gotta Love politics where plans are made YEARS or Decades in advance and the voting public memory only goes back five months LOL ...

. . . Yep ; it's OFFiCiaL , you are as DUMB as Dog-SHIP ! ! !

LOL :)

wankers ...

/ Hugz ;)