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RE: politics

in #politics9 years ago

The reason that the media is not in Wisconsin or Milwaukee is because no one cares about those places; not even the people stuck in those places...

In fact there is probably a higher percentage of people in Milwaukee and Wisconsin trying to work out how to get out of those places than people in Iowa or Idaho as a percentage.

The only reasons the media will follow trump are 1) he is entertaining, 2) he selling advertising and three he generates some political donations . . .

Do not worry, let your mind rest; lay off your pipe. Be assured no matter who wins in November; Donny or Hillz they will treat you exactly as your deserve : )

/ hugz ; )

But be assured of one thing; more certain than tommorrows Sunrise, come December 2016, neither Donald nor Hillary will be out looking for a J-O-B; they are seriously allergic to W-O-R-K ! ! !