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RE: The Rockefellers created The pharmaceutical industry as we know it

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

The idea that doctors and the health industry can promote they have any idea of any understanding than simple basics of the human body is just nothing more than propaganda and marketing. The human body is far to complex and interconnected that even the dumbest person can realize their is nothing obvious or simplistic about it, but the snake-oil salespeople will have you believe otherwise; you can realize the truth yourself if you just stop and think about it.

Medicine is an extremely difficult field of professionalism to enter; it is designed that only the most devoted and fanatical will become a licensed physician. This is essential to the pharmaceutical industry since they need absolute fanatics to keep the whole legal drug industry ticking over for profitable bottom lines...

Doctors of Medicine are simply government licensed drug pushers. The system is set up so the user pays for their consultation either by contributions via their employment or per visit with an additional 'gap' fee. Doctors need these representing returning clients so they have every motive to dispense medications to allegedly help the patient recover faster.

In fact many of the new super bugs and medication resistant germs are simply natural mutations of organisms that over prescribing altruistic doctors created. This of course led to new differing strategies given the adverse negative publicity surrounding this policy of abusing over prescribing medications...

As a result many drug makers no longer investigate short term remedies like antibiotics but now tend to focus on long term illnesses. Diseases where the patient will remain a paying client far far longer than the profits generated by a short course of antibiotics for example.

If you are unsure how much of this is plausible try this simple research test. Go online and see how many drugs have been approved by the FDA, then see how many drugs had their approval repealed afterwards by the FDA . . .

Medicine is huge business, the doctor is a government registered drug pusher and should patients have adverse affects the doctor is the safety fuse to protect the suppliers and other stakeholders. Thus they are integral to the profitability and as such receive a one percent market share as financial compensation for their essential roles : )

/ hugz ;)