Say no to gun Grab

in #politics7 years ago

The globalist and dems are going for another gun grab. Doesn't suprise me at all that they are going for the disarmament of the american people yet again. Look at what happen in Parkland Florida. The shooter had some mental problems and the police and the FBI were worned several times of his behavior and they didn't do anything at all. When someone writes on a social media app they want to be a professional school shooter that needs to be taken serously and looked into. An AR 15 was used and of course gun control came up right away. There was a shooting at a school in Maryland and you don't hear a word about that shooting because a resource officer shot and killed the kid with a hand gun, plus there wasn't an Ar 15 used and you don't hear a word in the media about this shooting because it doesn't fit the narative of gun control and plus there was a good guy with a gun that stopped the kid, you don't hear about that. This is totally wrong and show's you how the msm is fake news and isn't true journalism. I'm glad the american people are slowly waking up to the BS msm and the brain washing that it try's to do to the american people. I'm glad more and more people are getting there news from alternative sources. The american people have the right to bare arms and this includes an Ar 15. I sure hope everyone wakes up to what is going on in america and what the globalist and dems are trying to do with our guns and stand up for their rights. If america ever gets disarmed we are all screwed. We need to all stand up and fight for what is right and get back to what the constitution truly stands for and not let an out of control government keep trying to take our rights away!!. Just say no to the dems and the globalist plan to disarm america.