March for our lives will fizzle out

in #politics7 years ago

The whole march for our lives in my opinion was such a scripted event. I think this will fizzle out soon because people will loose interest and realize the second ammendment will not fall do to this ridiculous gun grab agenda by the globalist and the far left. If an eighteen year old kid can go to war for his country, fight and possibly die for his country they have the right to purchase a gun also. It makes no sense to me to raise the gun purchasing age to twenty one. People are so quick to jump on a agenda for something they tend to forget other people have rights to because of whats called the constitution. Law abiding citizens have the right to bare arms and protect themselfs. I have no problem with stronger back round checks but the honest truth even with that in place you can still purchase a gun on the black market. There will always be a black market for guns. Hell, America is the largest arms dealer in the world. My point is the guns must stay and the march for our lives will not take guns away from the American people.