just say no to globalism

in #politics7 years ago

What are the elite thinking. A one world government is a very bad idea. Look at what the elite are doing around the world. Government always ruins everything. We need less government and more of our rights back. The only way that's going to happen is we the people stand up and take our country back from these criminals running the country. We can't let the globalist win and ruin the world. There trying to dis arm America with there gun control agenda at the moment and using kids to get their point across, what is wrong with people and power, it always turns toward the worse. There's a battle going on between good and evil, wQOWU0623.jpghat side are you going to be on. I'm frustrated and sickened by what the elite are doing to this world and I hope we never see a New World Order. If that day comes we are all screwed. I would fight until death because I want no part of A New World Order. That spells disaster for man kind and the elite would control everything you do with a chip installed under your skin I refer to that as the mark of the beast. In conclusion I would like to say wake up humanity. Lets not let the elite get what they want. Thank God for the internet which we can use against them to beat them at their own game. Keep on keeping on and fight for whats right!.....UMSB6544.jpg


Hey @crazytrain242, great post! I enjoyed your content. Keep up the good work! It's always nice to see good content here on Steemit! Cheers :)

Thank you for your post, Cheers:)