Fixing Government

in #politics7 years ago

I firmly belief that if we get the government under control from the criminals running agencies, we need to get rid of the senior exucutive service, federal reserve, IRS, the seventeen intelligence ancencies and corrupt judges that would be a good start. We need honest citizens with no dual citizenship to government positions with term limits every four years it might make a difference. The government right now is so corrupt with greedy people it is not benifiting the citizens at all. Why do the we the people put up with this BS. I think the people are starting to slowly wake up and are getting sick and tired of the corruption, dis honesty and lawlessness. I hope we vote in the right people and get back to the constitution and follow the law. The only way thats going to happen is we the people make the change ourselfs. Get these criminals out of government and start putting the dis honest ones in prison and kill the ones that are treasonous to our country. An example needs to be set to get rid of this corruption. We are in a information war right now. We are in the second revolution of America. What side do you want to be on? Lets not let the globalist and the elite bankers win. Fight for whats right. Lets strengthen America together and take this country back and make it great again!...IMG_0947.JPG