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RE: America, Bring it in - Take a Knee

in #politics6 years ago

Football is a cancer to American society. Has given millions of young men brain damage & big money continues to lie & cover it up. It is just as dangerous now as it ever was. Reinforces violent tribalism for “fans” who are not brave or strong enough to fight their own battles, leading them to say things like “we won”, or “we lost”. The reality is they didn’t do anything but try to build their lacking self esteem on someone else’s accomplishments & blood. That someone else was at one time a child socialized into playing a game they were told is safe, by people they trust. How many years of head collisions at a young age does it take to render a young testosterone laden kids decision making skills useless?

You think all these nfl & college players are playing with a full deck their whole life when they die & get diagnosed with cte in mid life? Many of them go decades without getting hit in the head before that cte takes over. Ever thought about how much they are affected while playing? Have you ever seen a young powerful man succumb to early onset dementia? Do you know what it does to the family’s of these super athletes?

Do fans even care? Or continue to look the other way while the nfl tells them what pills to shove in their mouth, what garbage beer to put in their liver & what dirty food to make them fat & unhealthy. Look at the commercials, when you support football at any level you’re supporting the advertisers & mass covered up brain damage for your entertainment.

I’ve played this game, studied this game, & coached this game, & I see nothing but a sick system of old white money profiting off young men’s physical talents, naivety & trust. Football has gotten much more popular in my area in the last few decades & it truly sickens me. Fuck football & programmed willful ignorance. Excuse the rant