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RE: Trump and Hillary on same side?

in #politics8 years ago


  1. yeah they are/were friends, I don't know we don't know them on a personal level
  2. your claim is a possibility and I've seen others make that claim
  3. it could be an act but
  4. she and her paid for corporate media are really laying the character assassination and attack on his reputation pretty thick
  5. he seems to be telling the truth where wikileaks are concerned, the media gives her a free pass, this seems a pretty big favor to undergo this much character assassination when the media is shilling over time for her and cover her crimes anyway
  6. it is politics - it is mainly or complete a dog and pony show regardless
  7. it is rigged because he is paying attention to what alternative media says against her e.g wikileaks
  8. Hillary lies while the MSM pushes propaganda and double standards and uses scripted questions and online shills and paid child actors to ask questions, uses the Delphie technique in post debates, and they pay people to fill in seats at her rallies
  9. this is all known - those who dont are only listening to the MSM which is a big mistake considering like only 6% of the US trust the MSM