Answering Joe Rogan and Mike Baker's questions about JFK assassination

in #politics8 years ago (edited)


During a podcast on August 21st 2017, Joe Rogan and Mike Baker discussed the JFK assassination. They had a few question that they couldn't answer, so I thought I would have a stab at answering them. I am not saying I am correct but after all these years of looking at the subject this seems the most plausible to me.

Joe questioned how JFK's head went back and to the left as if being shot from the front but the blood spurted out the front as if hit from the back. They then go on to discuss “the weird trajectory of bullets” and how a guy was shot in the front of the head but the bullet came out of his eye. They also discussed the “Magic Bullet Theory”, the bullet that hit JFK and Connally was not deformed and why the top of the head exploded.

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Yes bullet cans do weird things when they hit objects and bounce around but the bullet that hit JFK's head, entered from the back. A high powered, fragmenting round, completely different to the “Full Metal Jacket” that passed through his neck. Two different bullets, two different guns!

How do we know this?

First off, lets tackle why JFK's head went back and to the left, as if he were shot from the front.

We will get to where the bullet came from later but for now we will work under the assumption that the round was a 5.56 fragmenting round fired from an AR15 at close range. The round entered JFK's head from a back left trajectory, fragmented, and then blew a large part of the upper right skull off.

Now the force of the fragments, blowing that part of the skull off, caused a jet of matter and blood to shoot out, throwing the head back and to the left. This was proven in an experiment using water melons. Although shot from the front they fall off backwards because of the jet. See video below.

So why do I say the bullet was a fragmenting round, shot from close range? Well a man called Howard Donahue, a ballistics expert, was asked to by True Magazine to look over the Warren commission's report to see if it was accurate. Donahue accepted and started with what he knew best, analysis of the bullets and their trajectory.

Donahue discovered that the single bullet theory was, in fact, correct. For years people had called it the “magic bullet” because of all the twists and turns it made after leaving JFK's neck and entering Governor Connally's chest, arm and leg.

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Donahue examined the car and realised that Governor John Connally and his wife were sitting in jumps seats, that were placed slightly lower and inward. Coupled with the fact that in the Zapruder film, Governor Connally can be seen turned just before being shot. Meaning his body was at an angle and lined up perfectly with the trajectory of the bullet. So no magic bullet.

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Also many people claim that the bullet was in almost perfect condition when found, but it was not, as you can see from the picture below. The bullet was not found in the footwell of the car but on a stretcher that Governor Connally was on at the hospital. So it fell out of his leg from the soft tissue. The bullet was a 6.5 mm, Full Metal Jacket, military round. Meaning a lead bullet incased in copper. These types of bullets are extremely tough and normally pass straight through the body, leaving a small entry and exit wound.

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This type of round is not used as much by the military these days because of the “minimal damage” it causes entering and exiting the body. Fragmenting rounds are preferred because of the amount of damage caused and the extremely large exit wound.

So this brings me back to the AR15 I mentioned before. We know that “Full Metal Jacket” rounds make neat little holes in and out, so why did JFK's head explode as if hit by a fragmenting round?

Donahue has an answer for that as well.

Donahue started to look at the autopsy reports for the size and location of the entry wound on the skull. Once found, he made a replica skull and drilled a 6 mm hole as reported in the autopsy. He then tried to put a 6.5 mm Full Metal Jacket round into the hole and it would not fit. Meaning a smaller round had entered, fragmented and then blew the top right side of JFK's skull off.

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Using a thin stick, he then traced the angle of the bullet through the skull, some basic maths and he found that the shot came from the follow up car filled with secret service agents.

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This was unexpected and game changing.

Going back into the files, Donahue discovered reports of an AR15 being wielded by an agent (George Hickey) in that car just before, and after the fatal headshot. Reports of the smell of gunpowder and street level and reports that Hickey had fired a shot.

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So was it all orchestrated by the Secret Service and Oswald is innocent?

Simple answer, no. It seems that Oswald, whatever his motives, got off two shots. One missed and ricocheted of the ground with a piece hitting JFK. JFK is reported to have then said “Oh my God! I've been hit! This caused Governor Connally to turn to JFK and then he was lined up shown as in the diagram below. The next round struck JFK in the neck and continuing to strike Connally.

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During the shooting, Agent Hickey picked up the locked and loaded AR15, stood up to see where the bullets were coming from and released the safety catch. At this point the car Hickey was in lunged forward and Hickey accidentally squeezed off a round, hitting JFK in the head.

So in conclusion, the fatal bullet that hit JKF was an accident.

This does not change in any way the fact that Lee Harvey Oswald, shot JFK from the book depository but it does explain the injuries to JFK's head and the actions of the secret service after the incident.

Full documentary below
