Putin sends 40,000 Troops to Border – Is he preempting a coming distraction?

in #politics8 years ago

We’ve all seen those fight clips online where a bully keeps antagonizing someone they believe they could beat in a fight. Even though warnings are given multiple times to stop and not take it there, the bully just can’t help but poke the bear. When the line is crossed and the bully is knocked out cold, it’s rather difficult to empathize with him or her. Whether or not you deplore violence even if by means of defence, it’s obvious that justice was served in a very direct and effective manner with no collateral damage. The one who went out looking for a fight, found one.

Sadly when this same scenario is played out between governments on a worldwide stage, collateral damage only serves as a type of currency with which to buy sympathy and garner support. The aggressor can easily pull at the heart strings of those who weren’t present during the build up to the fight providing their side an easy win in the arena of public perception.

Images of injured children and displaced families are always difficult to watch. In all honesty it makes me angry on behalf of those afflicted. They are caught in the middle of something bigger than themselves and their communities. Concepts as to why it’s all happening are force-fed to the affected, as well as us on the outside through media, from none other than those interests who have an investment in a particular outcome, one that usually benefits the initial instigator.

That is why when headlines start popping up about an aggressive Vladimir Putin stationing 40,000 troops at his border, I wonder what I missed that lead to this point. All the old news reports start popping back into my head with words like Crimea, Nato, Overthrow of Democratically elected government, Soros and I’m left to start connecting the dots to more recent information.

Thankfully a megalomaniac like George Soros and his cohorts can’t help but gloat about what they see as their achievements. The International Renaissance Fund (IRF) which was founded and is funded by Soros tells us directly that they have given “more than any other donor organization to democrative transformation of Ukraine.” Doesn’t that sound nice? ‘Democratic Transformation’. If the Ukraine was already a democratically elected government, how pray tell can they be transforming to something they already are? The answer is they are transforming away from democracy and not towards more of it. It’s an intentional double entendre from those with hidden agendas.

So why such a big build up by Putin now? Has the bear been poked? Are serious warnings being given and not adhered to while they go underreported in western media? Yes and yes again. Months ago while nuclear weapons and other armaments were being added and moved into position by foreign interests in countries close to and neigbouring Ukraine, Russia’s President exclaimed
“How do you not understand that the world is being pulled in an irriversable direction. They pretend like nothing is going on. I don’t even know how to get through to you people anymore. These moves are being portrayed as defensive measures to prevent aggression, this is not the truth, it is incorrect. Missile defense systems are full systems of an offensive military potential.”

Just in the last week or so Putin tells us “Russian special forces have foiled an attempt by Ukrainian Defence Ministry’s intellegence agency who were seeking to penetrate the Crimean territory.” Also adding that because of the tactics used it has become pointless to even meet with Ukrainian authorities. “They are not seeking ways to solve problems through negotiation but have turned to terrorism instead” Putin pleaded to his European and American partners in the region. Futhermore adding “There is no other reason for conducting such actions other than to distract the Ukranian people and divert their attention from the disastrous economic situation and the miserable conditions most of them are living in.”

Of course it is up to the reader to determine whether Putin is telling the truth in these instances. This time I believe he is, mainly due to the tactics being used by those now installed in power in Ukraine. They are duplicating the tactics commonly used by the very people who’ve admitted their role in the ‘democratic transformation’.

If you follow the money all the way to the philosphy behind an insurrection, you won’t just find one bad guy leading it but an interconnected web of governments and special interests who unsurprisingly hold very similar beliefs despite being from very different geographic locations and supposed political upbringings. We even have Joe Biden’s son now benefitting financially from the control of gas pipelines coming through into the Ukraine, slight conflict of interest there for Joe if I do say so myself. Seems it would be in his families best interest to do what he can to keep things the way they are now in Ukraine at any cost.

Now onto the truly scary part. Consider that Russia has 10,000 or so short range nuclear weapons even after the historic nuclear agreement signed by Reagan and Gorbachev in 1987. Then consider that Russia’s military doctrine clearly says that if Russia is threatened by overwhelming conventional forces, they will use tactical nuclear weapons. Add to that fact that the US and Europe have also been covertly arming Putins enemies in Ukraine possibly at the behest of Soros. Soros and US foreign policy have already been linked with the recent hacks of the billionaire’s Open Society Foundation, revealing a tight and cosey relationship.
If you take the requested increase being accepted in the US of Syrian and worldwide refugees from 70,000 to 100,000 per year as a precedent, it points strongly to the assumption that what George Soros asks for from the current US administration, he receives.

We can see that Soros and his philosophical cohorts, some of whom are in the most powerful positions in the EU and US government, back him up and assist his interests. He is in control behind the scenes in Ukraine and is consistantly poking the russian bear who in turn are warning the international community not to continue their current course of action in regards to offensive military buildup in Ukraine and on bases in surrounding countries.

If that wasn’t enough we can add to the powder keg a US election where the current and maybe future democratic administration is part and parcel with the Soros agenda. This begs the question, what happens if information of a devastating nature to Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party is leaked, as Julian Assange claims it will be in the not so distant future? He even claims it will be enough to put Hillary in prison.

If this happens it will be the spark the Ukranian powder keg has been waiting for. A sociopath like Hillary Clinton knows nothing serves as a better distraction to politically and personally damaging information than war. If you don’t believe this is a method used by governments, let me take you back to August 20th 1998 when another Clinton was in charge.

President Bill Clinton bombed an asparin factory in Sudan claiming it was in retaliation for terrorist attacks on two US Embassies in Africa. Funnily enough this happened 3 days after President Clintons’ appearance before a federal grand jury investigating his relationship with Monica Lewinsky. It was only hours after this grand jury meeting the Clinton made his famous comments about not having an ‘inappropriate relationship’. If a scandal looks to be gaining greater attention and a lie is going to be exposed then a distraction is needed. The owner of the asparin factory in Sudan, even to this day, has no proven ties to terrorism and had to hire a Washington DC law firm to go after his frozen funds, somewhere in the realm of twenty four million dollars, which the US government has released back to him because they can’t prove their case.

News reports tell us that the Clinton foundation has been hacked, but nothing directly from that hack has been released. Julian Assange claims that Wikileaks does not sit on stories and release them at opportune times. Maybe that is true but if I were to hazard a guess I would say that days before one of the US presidential debates we may see a document dump of some kind carrying a devastating effect for its target. As with the information leaked regarding massive corruption in the DNC so close to the convention, there is no time to formulate a disinformation campaign to be distributed to maliable and favourable news outlets in the hopes of distorting the narrative. The culprit just has to grin and bare it as their opponent decimates them with the previously suspected but now verifiable information.

The equation of career and campaign ending information being released that positions the affected party in a time sensitive window before that information reaches critical mass requires an equally large distraction being needed to shift the publics attention. This has the possibility to end with an immediate escalation of tensions between the Ukranian and Russian powers that be and is at least in part I believe why we see Putin preemptively amassing 40,000 extra troops.