This tariff war is crazy but the people responding to it online are crazier

in #politics2 months ago

I truly believe that humanity took a turn towards its own demise once social media became something that not only did people want to have in their lives but some people actually started to make money off it being involved with it. I don't know much about TikTock, if that is even how it is spelled but every now and then I am subjected to clips from it and all of them are just cringe AF. The other socials I also have very little to do with but it is pretty amazing to me how many experts there are in the comments section and how I think that most people use a little thing called "confirmation bias" in order to simply strengthen their already existing opinion about a thing or person without really ever considering if any of what they are reading and will likely repeat to someone else later, is even true.


I'm not going to pretend as though I know the answer to anything that is going on here. In any comments section anywhere and I presume if this post gets any traction it will happen here as well, someone will come along and say that tariffs destroy the economy of the people in the country that is imposing it, not the other way around. My construction management pea-brain can't wrap my head around how that could possibly be true, but I do know that from what I have seen thus far, the mere threat of imposing the tariffs that I have shown above have had an almost immediate result from the countries involved. I saw that there was a 30-day pause put on the proposed tariffs to both Mexico and Canada because their leaders had a meeting with Orange Man and some level of agreement has been made in order to try to appease Trump so that he doesn't move forward with these tariffs.

Now if the tariffs were actually implemented would it be a massive bane on the US citizens? Would we all die from starvation and be priced out of the market in everything because of retaliatory tariffs? I kind of doubt it, but I am not so aligned with one particular political party that I am unwilling to listen to what people with opposing viewpoints have to say.

I do feel as though the media and what not are going to do what they have always done and to only present the bad sides of this and not even focus on the fact that within a couple of days (it may have been only 1 day) of Trump announcing these tariffs that both Mexico and Canada took steps to ensure that these tariffs don't end up being enacted.

So if that is the case and border security is improving because of it, then isn't that a good thing? I mean, unless you are one of those people that doesn't believe that borders should exist and if you are I say that I would like to agree with you, but we need to choose battles that are actually likely to have a resolution. Borders aren't ever going to go anywhere, let's face facts.

When I type in "Trump tariff impact on American citizens" into a search all of the top results are from the usual suspects like CNN, MSNBC, NBC, HuffPo, WaPo, NYT, and well, the rest. All of them lambasting him for proposing this sort of thing.

Now I want you to ask yourself one thing and try to answer it honestly: If Trump were to have instead announced that he was eliminating tariffs against Canada, Mexico, and China (and all of these already exist in some degree) do you really think that the media response would be any different? Have you forgotten the last 8 years and how no matter what the man did that he was attacked by all the media outlets?

For me, I like that results were seen right away and that he didn't immediately back down on his promise to still enact this if they don't follow through on their promises. If he did there wouldn't really be much standing in the way of the leaders of these countries from just not doing any of the stuff that they said they would.


I saw a clip of this guy, the uncle of the world's least funny comedian and he was attempting to make a point about how the Super Bowl will be impacted by these tariffs because the price of Corona Beer and avocados are going to skyrocket. Two things here Mr Ivory Tower: Almost nobody drinks Corona and it is manufactured here in the US anyway. Do you really think that we transport millions of bottles of overpriced lager rather than just brew it here? Also, Avocados always have been too expensive for the average person ever since avo-toast became something that every college student can't seem to live without. I didn't watch all of his press conference because I use my time wisely but I also heard that he tried to state that most of the beer in the USA comes from Mexico. The fuck it does! We have an entire city whose sports teams are called the "Brewers" specifically because there are massive beer factories in the United States. Hell, there is an amusement park in the next state over called Busch Gardens and while they have roller-coasters and a zoo one of the major features of the park is an absolutely enormous beer factory.

I just think that politicians and crazy people online are going to latch onto anything that the President does and attack it, even if said action that he takes actually ends up achieving a net benefit.

I do get a bit concerned about if the rest of the world attempts to retaliate but there is something to consider here. The USA imports much more than it exports and as the world's largest economy I'm pretty sure that almost every country would really prefer to continue being able to sell good in the USA. This doesn't mean that we can or should bully all of the world, but it certainly does give Trump leverage that other countries can't really retaliate against. Maybe China could do something as I don't bother to investigate all the aspects of this tariff war that is going on because let's say that I did and was extremely well versed on all of that? What is that going to change?

I think that people spend entirely too much time getting all worked up over something that they cannot control and at the meantime do not bother controlling the things in their lives that they can control: Do you know how many awesomely fat and out of shape people I know that are extremely up to speed on politics? Jesus, use your time more wisely.