The address to Congress was an embarrassing joke

in #politics21 days ago

I'll go ahead and say that I like Trump and agree with many of the things that he is doing but that is not what this writeup is about. What it is about is how childish and cringeworthy this speech was and every other speech of this sort that was given by any President since George Senior has been largely the same. To see grownups in a room all behaving like children is just pathetic and I feel ashamed when I witness it.


I didn't tune it to watch it because I already know what is going to happen at these things. I did read about some of the highlights and what not, and I watched a few clips of the various members of Congress doing exactly what, unfortunately, I expect of them.

It seems as though in politics in the USA the two sides are attempting to out-crazy one another and it didn't take long for the crazy ball to get a rollin' when Al Green interrupted the speech and shouted at the President during the speech.


Mr. Green had to be escorted out of the room by security much like we would expect to be necessary with a spoiled brat teenager. He would later insist that he doesn't care what the consequences are for his actions and said he was following the wishes of his conscious. I don't believe you Mr. Green. You stood up and made a scene for your own benefit because before today nobody outside of the small part of Texas that you come from had ever even heard of you and unfortunately, he will likely be rewarded for this outburst and remembered because of it. I would imagine it is only a matter of time before he is brought in as some sort of expert by various legacy media and that is a sign of the times that we live in. Acting a fool gets you rewarded in today's world.

It isn't just that one thing that I find so disgusting about these meetups, it is the fact that it is just a show of how absurd our elected leaders are. Every time Donald says almost anything, the "red" people in the room stand up and applaud, start chanting "USA, USA, USA!" and we all have to wait for them to be quiet and sit down so that Trump can continue.


On the flip side, the Democrats sit and do not ever clap for anything. They just look dour and this year they decided to one-up the childishness by bringing protest signs as well.


This is a pre-meditated and coordinated effort on their part and they are all clowns for doing it.

Now as for the substance of the speech, it is all predictable stuff there. Trump basically just talked about all the things that he always talks about and also took some jabs at some Democrats and says some mean things. This is not a negative criticism of Trump. Biden, Obama, W, and Clinton all did the same thing and the reaction was the same from the people attending as well. It is just partisan bullcrap.

Of course there is the usual using of children to get a political point across and the reason for this is so that when the Democrats continue to oppose whatever the hell that was all about the conservatives can point the finger at them and claim that they are terrible people because they didn't cheer for a child. Last time around Biden did the same thing and I am sure that ever since there have been televisions that every other President did the same thing. They are using children just like they always do. Ever heard of Greta Thunberg or David Hogg? It's the same despicable thing.

After it all the media said exactly what you would expect them to say based on how the particular news outlet leans politically.

The American people are none the wiser for this having happened, and the various politicians simply did their little outbursts and cheering to advance themselves and their own power.

good for you, now people will know your name as well. Can't wait to see you getting congratulated for your "bravery" on MSNBC

I see no purpose in these things other than self-promotion and I am dead sick and tired of the childishness of it all. I think that you should be as well regardless of how you personally feel politically speaking.

It would be nice if our elected leaders had more maturity than the audience of The Jerry Springer show but unfortunately they definitely do not. I don't see this changing in my lifetime either.


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