Recent shooting in North Carolina parking lot

in #politics2 months ago

Here's the first surprise: It was in Charlotte, where a majority of the state of North Carolina's lawlessness happens and surprise number 2, it was an illegal immigrant who is the shooter. At the moment he is still be referred to as a "suspect" but that is just protocol, the police and everyone else involved are extremely confident he is the offender.

Now I am not one to really attempt to paint foreigners as bad people because I don't believe that they are. I think that 85% of the world's population are good people that look out for their fellow man. However, when it comes to illegally entering and remaining in a country, I think that if you start out with nefarious intentions, that this sort of behavior is likely to continue and I say this of all nationalities, not just people from "south of the border."


Carlos Diaz is from Honduras and has been in the United States illegally since 2019 so before anyone tries to pin this on Biden's lax policies you can go ahead and sit down, he entered before then. What is so disturbing about the fact that he has been here this long illegally isn't who was in charge at the time (it was Trump) it is that there is a record of his encounter with authorities in Rio Grande, Mexico when he was just 14 years old. While it is unclear how or why he was allowed to continue further on his journey that eventually landed him in North Carolina, it is just mind-blowing to me that we claim (or claimed) to have a rather heavy focus on border control at the time, but even though it was very clear that Carlos was attempting to enter the United States illegally he was still somehow allowed to carry on and remain in the USA since that day.

Carlos is "dead to rights" as far as this crime is concerned because the unnamed minor that was with him that night has admitted to police that Carlos is guilty of the crimes that he is accused of. There might have been some sort of plea deal involved for the 16 year old that made him spill the beans as far as this is concerned. There are strict rules about revealing minor's identities so there is very little information about the accomplice, who also admitted to participating in the shootings.

Now where am I going with this? As someone that believes in the right to bear arms staunchly, I do not blame the accessibility to weapons for this crime as a liberal would. Obviously, he obtained his firearms illegally, so I want to YET AGAIN point out to people out there that the increased limitations they might wish to place upon me and people like me who are law-abiding, wouldn't have had an inkling of effect on whether or not these crimes could have taken place. There are a lot of folks out there that like to suggest that if we had less legal firearm sales, that there would be less illegal guns out there as well. There could be some credence to this theory but I don' think that limiting my ability to get guns legally would have much of an impact on Carlos' ability to obtain them on the black market.

There are a lot of things that I encountered in college and to a much lessor degree later in my life, that are illegal, have always been illegal, and that didn't really have a great deal of impact on how easy it was to obtain them.

This situation and others like it also shed some light on the media and how the big outlets aren't covering this story at all because it would negatively impact their politics. Normally, the media, especially the liberal media just LOVE to jump all over a shooting story but they aren't touching this one and there is a very good reason why. To let the public know that a shooting was perpetrated by an illegal immigrant would put more credibility towards the notion of securing our borders and well, they have gone too far down the road of virtue signaling about supposed "asylum seekers" to even have the public be aware that this happened at all.

Had this been a white guy that had done this, it would be all over the news across the nation. Because that isn't the case though, there is barely a peep out of the media at all about this despite the fact that it happened very recently.

I think that most people with reasonable intellect can see that the media is a propaganda machine with a very real objective that is only in one direction politically. As cliche as it sounds these days, I believe that a majority of the media that exists in the United States as well as the rest of the world, is merely a business that is under the control of liberals. There is no objectivity in the news.

There were multiple murders involved in this shooting and that is important, don't you think? Charlotte isn't exactly Chicago as far as crime is concerned but here is another strange "coincidence:" Charlotte is also one of the most liberal parts of this state. One would think that a string of 5 shootings that resulted in multiple deaths might make a blip in the news yet almost no one is even talking about this. Pretty convenient given the issues that are on a national stage right now, isn't it?

Isn't it funny how whenever there is a shooting that involves a white shooter that it is all over the news everywhere and if a black person is handled a bit rough by police that too is all over the news. Yet if you race-swap either of these things virtually nobody ever speaks of it at all, let alone on a national level. I don't think the race should be relevant at all when things like this happen, yet in our country that seems to be the only defining characteristic that determines whether it makes the news or not. Shame on the media for this being the current state of things.