I wish people would stop creating unnecessary problems for "likes"

in #politics5 days ago

Recently a group that I am involved in on Telegram had a clip that had gone viral of a person being denied service in a bar and threatened slightly with a baseball bat by the owner. The customer's crime? Wearing a Trump hat.

At first I was thinking that this is terrible that people are going to be so hateful to someone just for what they were wearing but at the same time I think that anyone that literally wears their political feelings is kind of asking for it.


When I was just reading the headline I was thinking to myself that the bar owner is going to get themselves into a lot of trouble over this but then I watched the short video and now I am kind of on the side of the bar owner.

The person who was wearing the Trump hat clearly set this situation up. They knew the bar was a lefty bar and the person working there appears to be trans.

The conservative news was reporting this as discrimination and since I had nothing better to do I dug into it a bit more.


This is the exterior of the bar in question and take a look at that ridiculous flag they have on the exterior. This is kind of an indicator of what a person can expect as soon as they walk in the door.

The video taken from the perspective of the person who was "discriminated against" shows only part of the story and this is no surprise. The customers went in there with the intent being to start an issue and then upload it for likes. The way the person who was filming was trying to present it was that they were being kicked out simply for wearing a hat that the bartender didn't like. The fact that the bartender brandished a weapon is not ideal, but this is the reason why it went viral I guess.

The person or people with the Trump hat on went into this bar with the intention of starting trouble and that is exactly what they got. The same thing could happen if someone went into a VFW or an Elk's Lodge with some sort of democrat political clothing on. They were baiting the establishment.

I cannot stand these sorts of people that start unnecessary problems with others simply so they can get some clicks or likes. Whether or not I agree with you politically goes straight out the window once I realize that you are intentionally making other people's lives difficult for the sake of getting a TikTok.

So now the business in question is getting a ton of fake reviews 1-star and 5-star from people taking a stand on a really stupid situation.

That Trump supporter went into that bar to make a video and make a problem that didn't need to exist. Even though I am conservative, that doesn't mean that I am going to agree with every stupid thing that all conservatives do. Had I been in that bar I would have agreed with the bartender and would have joined them in asking the troublemaker to leave.

This is a terrible trend we have in our society where people go and make problems where they don't need to exist in order to score points for themselves online. You are a toolbag if you do things like this and I don't care what your political affiliation is. If you are intentionally making other people's lives more difficult in the hopes of getting a viral video out of it, then you are a terrible person.


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