Biden claims crime is at 50 year low. This is easily fact-checked to be false

in #politics5 months ago

While I realize that all politicians, even the ones that I like, lie all the time. It gets to be a bit annoying to me that they don't really even try to be cover with their outright lies to the public when they spout something that is easily fact-checked to find out that it is completely untrue.

While crime is and always will be low where I live since we have a 50% gun ownership rate and castle doctrine that insures the peace, the rest of the country seems to be experiencing increases in crime across the board.

Joe and his now famous blank look of "where am I?"

As it turns out this is a really important issue for most voters according to polls so Biden - let's be honest here, his handlers - decided to try to claim that it was under his administration that violent crime is at a 50 year low. He didn't try to suggest any of his policies directly made this possible because that would be absurd since they don't exist but here is the problem with his claiming this: Yes, the crime STATISTICS are the lowest in 50 years according to databases but this is because in 2022 nearly 30% of police statistics stopped being reported to the federal level because I guess they don't have to? No idea why this is the case but to completely ignore the fact that crimes aren't even being reported, is not the same thing as crime rates actually going down.

This of course was pointed out by many people immediately on Twitter


People also hilariously pointed out that in the blue cities that have the highest level of crime, not only were the stats not reported but a lot of things that would be considered crimes in other parts of the US and the world, were not pursued by DA's as we saw massive amounts of people not being even tried for their offenses, let alone convicted.


Even the mouthpieces for the Democrat Party like CNN had to admit in their "fact check" on this that this statement should be "should be treated with caution" and notes that it is "notoriously difficult to track crime statistics in the USA."

What this means is that anyone can cherry-pick any data set they want to suit any sort of narrative that they want. Since we don't actually have all the data and large cities where the crime actually has gotten much worse like NYC and LA don't even report the data, well, your data is about as useful as just making things up.... which is basically what they are doing.

I get why they might try to do this back in say 1988 when nobody had internet and proving or disproving this would be monumentally difficult, but these days and the way that responses will come very quickly online disproving things, I wonder why they even bother?

The major search-engines are working in lockstep with the White House on this one as well because almost all of the first page results attempt to back up this claim, with two of the top results being from If there is one website that you definitely cannot trust to be truthful about what the White House is actually doing, it is probably the White House's own website.


The Washington Times, which is admittedly a right-leaning publication that also happens to be wildly unpopular used the same data source that the Biden administration claimed to use to back up these statements but chose a different date to kind of show how easy it is to manipulate statistics.

I think that if you want to know whether or not crime is actually down in USA all you have to do is go around and look outside if you live in an urban area. You'll quickly come to realize that it might be down from a cherry-picked moment in time, but is it safe? I think we can call agree that it is not safe. It's safe where I live... but that is just because if you act out of line and threaten another person or their property, they can legally shoot you.


I'm not saying that everything that Joe says is a lie or that everything Trump says is true either. I am saying that all of them are just manipulating us and it gets annoying to me when these things are easily disproven by simply going outside. I'm looking forward to the debates so we can have a contest to see who lies the most. Maybe they'll even let Kennedy in (I doubt it) so they have to turn his mic way up so we can actually hear him.


The problem that Joe has is that his little graphs of cherrypicked data don't mean anything if the people on the ground aren't feeling the positivity. Same thing with the economy, he claims the economy is the best of all time, yet actual people are struggling.