Biden caught using teleprompter during live question and answer session again

in #politics5 years ago

During a live and unmoderated interview of really any politician is likely to be a rigged situation. The questions were probably scripted and in the case of Joe Biden, who seems to be especially incapable of handling talking as of late, it is just kind of understood that this is what is going to happen. He was almost certainly made aware of the questions before hand and was able to have his team come up with great answers to the various questions that we are meant to believe were just asked by randomly chosen individuals.

If the questions were pre-arranged, it seems as though someone that has been a public speaker and a politician longer than most of us have been alive, might be able to remember the answers to these questions.

Although the Biden campaign has not admitted to using a teleprompter during this recent event with NBC Miami, it is pretty evident that this is exactly what is going on.


The first time this happened it was pretty embarassing for the Biden campaign who apparently hadn't told Joe that he is not supposed to reveal that he is actually reading all of the answers. It was way back in May and it was an "interview" done by ABC. During the "interview" Biden instructs someone off screen to "go back to the top" or "put that back on" and he is seen waving to someone off screen to advance to advance or go back in the script that was supposed to be presented as if it was a one-on-one conversation between Joe and whoever was interviewing him. He had clearly been made aware of what the questions were going to be beforehand, as had his team who had prepared scripted answers for him.

There was the instance at the DNC when he had to have a teleprompter in order to introduce Kamala Harris as his running mate because remembering all of that would have been too difficult I guess?

Jo Also seems to be at least somewhat incapable of doing the reading of a teleprompter properly because in the recent "interview" with NBC Miami he read a part of the teleprompter that is actually just a note, not part that the person reading it is actually supposed to say.


The conservative internet was quick to point this out and soon the Ron Burgandy meme's were all around suggesting that "anything you put on the teleprompter, Joe will read it... and i mean ann-nuh-thin-guh."

It is suspected that every single time that Joe makes a television appearance that he has some sort of technological assistance in putting together sentences.

Months ago on The Late Late Show which is filmed live, Joe held up a framed picture of himself with his sons in college only to reveal what is obviously a teleprompter that is across the room with him.


The CBS team quickly cut away to video of James Cordon listening to Joe, even though the focus should be on Joe as he is showing a photo. They cut back to Joe after he had put the picture down. They tried to bury this story as well and for many of you, this might be the first time you are hearing about it. If Trump had been guilty of this back in July, we would still be talking about it every day until November.

Biden's campaign dodges questions about the use of technology to assist Joe. They don't outright deny it because well, I think it is pretty obvious that he does. This has brought about some predictions that Biden is going to come down with Covid 19 right about the time the debates are meant to start up, only to magically recover just before the election.

I don't particularly like Trump and I didn't vote for him in 2016. I would vote for a rock covered in poo poo before I would vote for most Democrats though. The media bias and just nasty way in which the Democrats have handled losing in 2016 has encouraged me to vote for Trump only to enjoy 4 more years of whining, crying, and empty accusations.

I haven't voted for a mainstream party candidate in nearly 20 years and there are many other Libertarians and 3rd party people out there that are doing the same thing this year. You could argue that a lot of 3rd party voters are voting to get Trump out, but you'd be hard-pressed to find a Libertarian that would vote for a very socialist sounding platform that is the Biden campaign because it goes against basically everything that we stand for.

Despite the fact that Joe is clearly "cheating" during these interviews I don't think really hurts his numbers because the numbers are likely all lies anyway, just like they were back in 2016. This revelation isn't much of a revelation anyway, it is obvious that he is reading his answers. It also isn't going to convince any Joe voters to not vote for him either because I would say close to none of them are actually voting for Joe anyway: They are voting for anyone but Trump.


do you have links to those events handy?

This year I will be voting republican for president for the first out of 12 times. I agree about the Dems, but I hope they learn some lessons about the efficacy of whining, crying and blaming fairy tale creatures for their losses. I hope their voters, who were until recently my political peeps, learn some lessons about the wisdom of letting empty-shelled puppets of the eugenicists tell them what to think and feel about everything. I am getting really mad at my ex-friends now. They have gone certifiably insane voting for this duo. They think anyone who would vote for Trump is evil, exactly as they have been hypnotically told for four solid years now. It's so bizarre.

There are many different clips but one that encapsulates a lot of them is actually a Trump political ad.

I know i've said it many times before in my blog but I am in the same boat as you. I've not voted for a Republican (or a Democrat) since the mid 90's and it isn't even that Trump is doing so well that is going to make me vote for him this time, it is the reaction to his victory that is pushing me that way and I feel there are thousands, if not millions of Independents out there that are going to do exactly the same thing.

I've voted nothing but blue for 47 years, and now I want a bumper sticker that says "don't vote blue no matter who" Thanks for the video. The guy is such a loser!!! Proof that the Dems want to install a dummy that can be easily controlled. So scary. Trump 2020.