YouTube Says I'm a Dirty Jew

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

I'm not Jewish. But I'm starting to feel like a BIG JEW under YouTube (Alphabet) censorship.

YouTube JUDENRATS removed my announcement -- that I'd moved FROM YouTube to STEEMIT. YouTube just deleted it.

I can't even tell people "YouTube considers me a DIRTY JEW, so I JEWED my way over to STEEMIT where I can be a DIRTY JEW in peace without YouTube slamming me on the head screaming YOU DIRTY JEW!"

Nope -- I can't even tell people where I slithered off to, under my new identity as WRETCHED JEW. YouTube doesn't want my DIRTY JEW announcement on their 'PURE' US-Government-funded platform, getting their CIA-funded propaganda outlet all dirty with my (unknown to me until today) DIRTY JEWISHNESS.

YouTube is a pure place -- for PURE thinking that passes YouTube's PURITY TEST.


ADL is helping YouTube separate the "Behaved Jews" from the "Problem Jews." Just as George Soros betrayed his fellow Jews by helping NAZIS round up Jews. "Problem Jews" get separated and shipped off.

george soros nazi.jpg

Should I add a DIRTY JEW "gold star" symbol to my videos, warning the PURE that my videos are unclean and subhuman and DIRTY JEW? Because that's how YouTube categorizes me -- a FILTHY JEW unworthy to share space with YouTube's PURE CLASS.

YOUTUBE (aka Google, aka Alphabet) considers "Barry Soetoro" to be a D-I-R-T-Y F-I-L-T-H-Y J-E-W.


Considering a Career at GOOGLE? You might qualify for a position at Google Headquarters if you've punched a Jew. Available Jobs:




How most of us on Steemit see YouTube nowadays.

Very glad to see that you are still around! I have a special request if you still have the video somewhere in an archive. Can you please repost the "Michelle's Balls" video you did some time back. It's hilarious and I can't find it anywhere. They've really memory-holed it well. Thanks for that and for all the great work you put out!

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Barry?! It is seriously the funniest video of all time!

I love what screwtube/goolag/alfalfabet are doing!!! The more they purge, the more that will find out about Steemit/DTube!!!
They can bugger off! We have the blockchain! More importantly, we have STEEMIT!!! :D
Upvoted & ReSteemed, btw! ;)

That is definitely one of the major problems with YouTube, and why more people should move to dtube. Censorship. That's not freedom of expression at all.

thanks for sharing.following you and just upvoted your post.I appreciate you if you also follow and upvote my post.

It's your own fault, Barry, for encouraging sheeple to wake up and actually question the glorious NWO. If only you'd stick to making kitty vids and presenting news like on TV, where there are no 'conspiracies' at all! :)

Barry also worth mentioning people who do not even dabble in truth and reality are getting hit so yeah they are killing their own platform.

Glad to see your still going.