
Haha -- YOU rule, Barry!

When YT took Peekay, you and How I See The World down I figured I better learn how to use Steemit. Glad to find you on here, hopefully Robin and Peekay will get on here too. With the attack on truth, I have become a publisher, as well as a follower. I have created a vidme, I pull good truth vids from YT, post them to my vidme, and then post them on Steemit as well, and if my vidme goes down, I will create my own hosted website, perhaps on HostGator, so they cannot be taken down, and continue to post on Steemit, which should be take down proof. I believe we that are awake to the Great Rothschild Jew Conspiracy must do our part to wake up others, we cannot let humanity end due to a handful of rich, deceitful, conniving Jews. We shall be like the Hydro, take down one channel, silence one of us, and two more shall rise in their place, and so on and so on. Fuck the Jew world order. And for your Americans that have not armed yourselves, what are you waiting for? These psycho Jews are fomenting a race war against you, they will send goons for you, you must be prepared to band together in self defense and be prepared to shit to the offensive when the time is right. Buy guns and ammo, and stock food, get prepared, for war is coming to the U.S. and Europe very soon, and it will be brought to you by the conspiratorial international Jews. I you have listened to the Myron Fagan recording from 1967, here it is.

Loved you on YT. Their loss, for sure.

Barry are you going to continue to make videos in any form? Or are you just transferring over to memes? Glad to see you publishing in any form though!