This time was god? (Doubt it)

in #politics8 years ago

Almost every time I ask believers: why a loving god would cause such atrocities, like babies born with AIDS? or such things, they would almost always say: "that's not God, it's the devil" which is a ridiculous answer because god is supposed to be more powerful that the devil, and he is omniscient, so, the devil couldn't do anything unless god let's him. But this time it has been a little different. The hurricane in Texas has been blamed on god, as a punishment. But also, people are praying for God to protect them. I already made a blog post about how the "National Day of Prayer" didn't do anything but pander to Trump’s evangelical Base. So, this time I want to talk about how people would rather blame an imaginary friend then accept the inconvenient truth that climate change is real and man made (1).

Unlike Joyner, I don't think that " the real issue with the weather and everything else on the earth has to do with sin and wickedness." (2), but with CO2 emissions damaging our environment. Abortions and gay rights don't translate into weather events, there is not proof what of that. And I seriously doubt that Pat Robertson can pray hurricanes away, because, at least, he couldn't with Katrina, Harvey and all the hurricanes in between. Letting that aside, these people always act like hurricanes only hit the USA when in fact the hit islands in the Caribbean coast way sooner and stronger(3). But apparently, all the forecasts are only lies, according to Rush Limbaugh, who can cost lives to people because of his far-right podcast (4). Let's get something straight: climate change affects everyone, unlike god, you don't have to believe in it to feel it like it's truth. Climate change is not a leftists conspiracy, is the scientific consensus (5). And even some republicans think it's real and man-made (6).
So stop trying to pray away hurricanes, is not going to work. Stop trying to give supernatural explanations to what's already scientifically explained. Have the humility to listen to the scientists and do as they say, is the best for the future of our world, cause this life it's all we got. Let's try to make it better, and leave some planet left for the future generation.


  5. climate/