Former Black Panther Demands Trump give African Americans the state of Florida
I am not surprised by this. Have you not noticed a lot of the social media is mentioning getting the "signal" to release the wrath...
Meanwhile...who is virtue signaling for gun control? LOL!!
Stop the corn syrup and soy diets folks...serious now..
Quick Ref :: I found on a blog, but there were far more cities ...I read a book about the Zebra fraction in Miami, Florida...where it was more manly to kill children .
LINK to below pic cite
Remember this Gem: Flashback: Kanye West Attacks George W. Bush Over Katrina Response
Kayne is a mild impulse control...but there was a reason why Katrina folks suffered for days. The organizations that sent volunteers could not get into the area for 3-4 days: I knew individuals who went down to volunteer, reg people, nurses, doctors, and all said the same thing. They could not secure the area, for all the residents had guns and were protecting their property and were shooting looters, and rapists and other low lifes looking to take advantage in a crisis. Dead bodies were strewn in the streets, not just victims of flooding but of being shot, from the gun owners. in self defense. People took the law into their own hands, like a real WILD WEST and from all I spoke to about this, these people had no choice...there were no police in the areas effected.
It took the people of New Orleans 10 years to get their guns back.
10 years...and when they took the guns, there was no list created for inventory; what was taken from whom, no chain of ownership ...nothing...after ten years, you had to have a reciept, picture of weapon and IF they had it, serial numbers could have it.
Alot of folks did not get their guns back, for they just were not there...I wonder why?
Let that sink in...
Think LA Confidential...making sure the competition is whittled down to zilch...

People exercising their right...2nd Amendment...are a dangerous thing...lets keep it that way... Pay attention to what happened down there...for it stopped a nation...and showed "DO NOT TREAD ON US."
Even this @sshat knew better than to walk around New Orleans without a gun...
Do you think the cops are going to be around if anything goes down??
Come on now, think for minute?
Hurricane Katrina was the BETA TEST to see what would happen in USA of all systems failed...what you read in news articles was not what was really happening...and many a soul saved their lives with a gun by their side...
Now go back up and reread what I initially put up in here...think of all the divisiveness the last few years and you tell me...
You tell me now...aren't you glad to live in a country where you can own a gun?

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