
Does not really matter ; the system must get worse before enough sheep decide that the French knew how to treat politicians 200 years ago . . .

The man who invented the guillotine wanted a system that would gross people out so much that capital punishment such as the death penalty would become socially abhorrent.

Man was he wrong, people loved cutting each others heads off so much over one hundred thousand people have lost their heads with the last Frenchman losing his head to the " National Razor " in 1977 . . .

Hopefully one day society will truly gain the will to show Professional Politicians the real respect they have earned and deserve ! ! !

Plus imagine the saving on welfare benefits for Representatives . . .

I geuss my point is that I no longer see a need for politicians at all. We as a people need self empowerment. The less energy we give them the better. France and there Red hats deffinately was a step in the right direction.

(nested 6 posts deep) I totally agree : BUT imagine you had power and did not need to work or anything would your just give it all up and go apply to Walmart?

That is assuming that Walmart even has an open policy of hiring ex-politicians . . .

Remember they were failed Lawyers so they cannot even go back to practicing law ! ! !

Voting is pretty simple , whomever is your sitting Congress Representatives find out who they are and then simply say to them " You're Fired " with your once every few years vote . . .

When I become World Dictator my new laws will make it mandatory after one term in Congress they become a public servant holding U S Army Firing Range targets. Since soldiers are so well trained there should not be to many accidental gun shot wounds ! ! !