Pakistan and modern world....steemCreated with Sketch.

in #politics6 years ago

This is the text of the speach that first prime minister. Mr. Liaqut Ali Khan made at kansas univrsity. images.jpeg
First he thanked the university authorities for conforing upon him the honourary digree. He availed himself of the oppertunity of presenting the case of pakistan at the front of american intelligenzia.

Liaqut Ali Khan explained the reasons for the demand of separate homeland for the Muslims of india. He said that the Muslims had diffrent ideology and religion. Their customs, culture and traditions were different from those of the Hindus. They had economi, political, spiritual and social differences. He said Muslims beleived in one Allah but the Hindus beleived in many gods. The Hindu beleived in the caste system whereas the Muslims beleived in equality of men. They neither inter married nor inter dined. They were two different civilizations.

The freedom of india!
The freedom of india under Hindu majority would mean Hindu Raj. The Muslims had fairly large area where they were in majority. They were in majority and were numerous enough to make a nation. Thus the demand of the aeparate state for the Muslims of India were very reasonable. If this state had not been established the clashes between the Hindus and the Muslims would have been harmful to the world peace. images (1).jpeg

Condition of pakistan at partition!
At the partition of India, Pakistan had to face great problems. They were asked to setup a new state within a period of two month. They had no capital and no flag. They had to build up their administrative machinary from the scratch. Troops alloted to Pakistan were scattered in all over the India. They would not come togather for many months. Pakistan was not given any military equipment. The Muslims were kept backward in India. As a result, they had no industry no engineers and no traders. Pakistan had to face the problem of refugees. He said it was our foremost duty to maintain our freedom. It requires consant vigilance.
Liberty does not descend upon peoples. It has earn before relish its taste.

Message to advanced countouries!
Mr. Khan said that advance nations must share the great fund of knowledge to developing countries. It duty of developed countries to share their technology to third world country like Pakistan . Yhe western countries should help them in making their economi stable.
Thus the speach is excellent example of eloquence, statesmanship, leadership, foresight and wisdom of Kha. Mr. Khan said the real freedom is freedom from want, ignorance, terrorism, poverty, unemployment, hunger and disease.
The people of Pakistan are hard working and peace loving. May Live Long Pakistan.

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