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RE: This Maps Shows the Neo-Nazi Groups in Your State

in #politics7 years ago

These people have no idea what happened between 1933-45. Germany was in the toilet after ww1 with porn starvation and debt. The winners write the History remember that folks. When you go up against the biggest liars in the world and lose, you will be the most Hated man in History. That man is Adolph Hitler. Do your own reserch people on Hitlers germany. did you know that Anne Franks Diary was written with a ball point pen; ball point pens were invented after ww2. Her uncle wrote it just to make money. Interesting fact. The Truth fears No investigation.


I in no way support the neo Nazi's. they have no idea of the true History of Nazi Germany. Because if they did they would not disrespect the swastika and the people who died for it during ww2. show some respect. Everything you think you know about Hitler and the nazi's is Bullshit propaganda Spread by the Zionist Jews and there Freemason puppets. Hollywood and schools and MSmedia also play a huge part in the deception. Peace and Love people if you want to learn the truth about the Holohoax please watch Judea declares war on Germany 1933 its on Vimeo.