ADSactly World - Elections in Belarus: Blood, vodka, carousel
Elections in Belarus - Blood, vodka, carousel.
What does the word "Election" tell you? Surely many will say - this is the legal right of a citizen to decide the fate of their country. The fate of the country primarily depends on the correct policy of the leadership. So, this is a fair statement. Perhaps in some countries, this is true, but certainly not in Belarus. Here, for more than 23 years, one "Dictator" rules and he decides the outcome of an election.
The people of Belarus risked and elected me president. This happens very rarely in history and it is more likely that it will not happen again.
- Alexander Lukashenko
In February 2018, that is, more recently, local elections were held in Belarus. All would be nothing, but thanks to the efforts of independent journalists, enterprising citizens, and individual bloggers, it was possible to reveal total falsification.
What are Carousels?
Throughout the country, so-called carousels were seen. What is a carousel? Carousels in elections are a process in which "special" people vote in different polling stations. That is, the same "special" person can vote many times. How is this possible? I'll write about this a little later.
The main human resource in the process of this "carousel" are employees of government departments, such as within the tax service. Teachers also take part in this (most often forced). These are specially trained people who act in collusion with all participants of election commissions. They are moved by a specially allocated vehicle (paid for by the budget). All this was recorded on video. On election days, people conducted photos and videos "hunting" for the carousel.
The obvious fact is that they are fully aware and give an account of their actions. They are purposefully acting contrary to law and justice. The only motivation for them is to follow orders and get money.
Vodka at School Buffets on Election Day
In the cities, the main places to vote at are schools. Cheap vodka at school buffets is another way for the state to increase the attendance of a place for voting. Belarus has one of the highest alcohol abuse percentages thanks to the assistance of the state.
Who drinks every day - do not vote for me, I will not be friends with such people.
- Alexander Lukashenko
So why should the state take such a step? The answer is obvious - Because alcohol makes the population impotent and obedient.
The Main Ways the State Falsifies Elections
"We do not need an automated system of electoral fraud: No. We will create a state system"
- Alexander Lukashenko
1. Compulsory Preliminary Voting
"Involvement of social resources" - as the head of the Central Election Committee Lydia Yermoshina calls this process. She is one of the main political lobbyists of Lukashenka.
From history: in 1996, the head of the central election committee and the enemy of the president was Viktor Gonchar. He openly stated that Lukashenka falsified the elections and the referendum and refused to take part in it. For this, he was removed from office. At the moment he is considered missing. His place was taken by Lydia Yermoshina - who fully supports the president.
The main people who vote under duress are students, employees of state enterprises, military, and police. Employees of state enterprises are afraid not to go to the polls. They are threatened with dismissal.
Thanks to the "use of the social resource", in the preliminary voting, a figure of more than 35% of voters was officially received. How is this possible? Are people consciously and willingly going to vote? Answer - No! According to the social survey, the overwhelming majority of Belarusians do not believe in elections.
2. "Dead Souls" - Registration of Dead People
This is a simple way to increase the number of votes for "necessary" candidates. This practice is often used. But there were facts when these actions became public. This method influences the image of the Belarusian electionsin a negative manner.
3. Ballot Stuffing at a Time when Overseers are not Watching
Numerous testimonies including video evidence prove that this brazen way is actively used.
4. Carousels
Carousels are an active way and novelty of this season of voting. Although this method was used before, this time it actively prevailed.
5. Scams During the Counting of Votes.
This is the oldest and most proven way of falsifying elections in favor of the "right" candidate.
Experiment to Expose "Carousels"
If you write a special code in the passport on the right page, you can come to different polling stations and the commission will accept as a "special person" (the person who participates in the carousel). This is exactly what an enterprising citizen has done.
He wrote in his passport the necessary figures (the information leaked to the network) and checked whether it works or not. It worked!
A young woman who worked at the school wrote about these figures on her Telegram page. She wrote that she was given special numbers in her passport, thanks to which she could vote several times in a row.
At the last polling station, the activist appealed to the chairman of the election commission and recorded it on video. In the video, he asked to explain why this is happening. The chairman and members of the commission began to deny everything, they claimed: "An error has occurred."
Brutal Beating of an Independent Journalist
We have enough power to crush these elections and a referendum.
- Alexander Lukashenko
No, this is not an isolated case of beating journalists in the last election. Everywhere journalists were subjected to pressure from law enforcement agencies.
On February 18, during the shooting of the counting process, an independent journalist of the Belsat channel was beaten and detained. Four policemen broke in and pulled out journalist Andrei Kozel. In the process of detention, they smashed his head with blows of a police baton and a blow against the glass door. The police explained their actions to the fact that the Belsat channel has no accreditation in Belarus and has no right to conduct video shooting.
The journalist received several blows to the head and body area. He was placed in the center of isolation of offenders where he was not provided with medical care.
They forcefully pressed me to the floor and hit on the head. After that, I was struck 2 times in the chest area. I looked around and everywhere there was my blood
- Condemned journalist Andrei Kozel
Later there was a court case, but the case was sent for revision, and the journalist was released from the courtroom. On this incident with the journalist reacted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Poland.
I am outraged by the brutal beating and arrest of Andrei Kozel, the confidant of one of the candidates in local elections, which are held in Belarus. I expect the authorities to provide him with medical assistance, contact with a lawyer and family, and punish those responsible
- said the deputy head of the Polish Foreign Ministry.
Interesting fact: Belsat channel banned in Belarus because they often show the truth there and Lukashenka does not like it. He calls it fake.
Conclusions and What is Happening Today
None of the representatives of the Belarusian opposition became a deputy. Only a few good people managed to get real support from the population and become a deputy. But unfortunately, with these people, an active political struggle is being waged.
A real example of what is happening today is Rosa Viktorovna, who became a deputy in the Gomel region. After assuming the post of the deputy, she received telephone calls with threats. She is threatened that they will find an excuse to forcibly send her to a psychiatric hospital.
At the moment, there was an attempt to grab her during the planned visit to the administration of the city of Gomel. Near the entrance to the building, she was waiting for a team of doctors. They tried to detain her, but thanks to the efforts of the townspeople, they retreated from it.
It was also found out that calls are received from the phones belonging to the employees of the city administration. This fact is confirmed by the recording of calls and numerous testimonies of eyewitnesses. Officially, the authorities deny everything.
Looking at everything that is happening, one thing is certain - the situation in the country cannot be settled by elections.
Authored by: Belarus Insider (undercover)
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Lukashenko is the same, only the Western ruling classes' attitude has changed now that Putin has taken office as their official Satan.
“I’m not Europe’s last dictator anymore,” Lukashenko, said with a chuckle. “There are dictators a bit worse than me, no? I’m the lesser evil already.”
This election takes place at a time when "democratic" efforts to force a change of regime in Belarus (from the one overwhelmingly supported by the population) are on the back-burner. The propaganda war against Belarus has been muted so that relations can be improved to the point where the Belarus card can be played against Russia.
That requires a grudging acknowledgement of the election results showing that the wily socialist President of Belarus is still by far the most popular politician in Europe with the voters. (D. Cameron was reappointed as dictator under the rigged UK electoral system with way less that half that level of support from the politically downtrodden British population.)
The domestic popularity of Belarus' socially-oriented model is the real threat Lukashenko poses to US/EU bankster "democracy" and the reason for the relentless demonisation of the Belarus President and the tireless efforts to delegitimise the choice of the voters of that country.
This propaganda need conflicts with the imminent EU decision to end anti-Belarus sanctions and so a balance will have to be struck: the OSCE assessment of the election will have to be damning but not too damning.
In short and as usual, the new Western policy has been determined and the evidence and facts will be fixed around it.
It’s hard d to believe what I just read, but this is called reality. By reading this reality of Belarus elections, I’m really frustrated and I don’t live there. I can only imagine how all these honest citizens of Belarus must feel. There have been rumors of some cases in the US of so called Carousels in elections, but definately not in this scale. I mean so openly for the same "special" person being able to vote many times? How is this possibly? Well, as you mantioned, it is. For people being moved by a specially allocated vehicle as I watched in your video. At the end, how can so many people face the God? Are they so scared? Is this in their blood thinking “it’s ok?” I guess money talk as you said. It’s also shocking what and why they are trying to serve people so much alcohol to make the population impotent and obedient. The crooked history of Belarus election proofs itself just by reading about Alexander Lukashenko‘s opponents and what eventually happened to them, missing Viktor Gonchar and there must be many more others like him. It’s really shocking to read stories of good individuals such as Rosa Viktorovna, I mean she is someone’s mom, daughter... I hope the journalism and all opponents who fight against this regime will not be silenced, but instead get louder and louder and eventually beat this horrible way of political life.
Election were constituted in every country 's constitution so that people of that country get right in making the govt.But apas this power has become a mere hoke, as even the vote caters and vote beggars feel like lodmsing thr kinda at the time of election. There is now a saying that people who castala votes dont decide the election but it is the one who counts votes.Such an Irony.Amid all the world class technologies, its still not easy to held the election commissions responsible for the election frauds...Though the idea of govt shouldn't be looking for next elections always but it should be looking for the next generation.Govt have simply become blood suckers of the people who election them..Its always a case of fiasco to which govt to choose because every time they come the policy implementations which attract people for a time being but the post results are always nightmare..Election is a fool's paradise where a fool is only we common people, we make kingmakers but alas we dont get treated as kingmakers..A fool things himself to be wise but a wide man knows himself to be a fool., Well said shakespeare
&*its losing there mind instead of lodmsing thr kind****
An election is an act of democracy in a country wherein they can choose their leader but are they (the people) really choosing their leader or the only few corrupt politicians who manipulate the voting system for them to have a sure win in the race?
Very interesting post
@elizahfhaye Elections from the people, to the people of Dan to the people. that's what the elections really mean to me.
have you got the same voting power like in steemit.
The Venezuelan government implements several systems like this to force the people to vote for them, from given them free bags full of food, T.Vs, some people even get houses for free and then when the next election comes around they get threated, vote for us or we kick you out or kill or harm your family.
This is the strategy "smart" dictators use, get the people to be dependent on the state and then force them to do your will under the threat of removing all their luxuries or their means of living.
Many bad situations in a country cannot be solved by an election

Simply awesome post! I think voting should be done on blockchain. That would be a simple solution However, many parties complains about voting fraud during the election time. Complaining about voter fraud helps them to commit election fraud, which is more rewarding.
At least they have Election.
In My country No Election.
its worse in Nigeria, Election is just a show
Read the post content very well...Nigeria's case hasn't gotten to the extent
Did you see this?👇
This is a simple way to increase the number of votes for "necessary" candidates. This practice is often used. But there were facts when these actions became public. This method influences the image of the Belarusian electionsin a negative manner.