Governor Bill Weld endorses Adam Kokesh
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Hello Adam our friends in Acapulco need our help.
What Che did not tell you in her post was Casey and her went to the US Embassy on an emergency basis three days ago looking for assistance.
Casey and Che paid the hospital bill which left them with no more money for food and Casey’s insulin.
The hospital would not release baby Cisco until they paid the $6000.
The US embassy is literally holding them hostage in Mexico now until Che and Casey can document they are US citizens with proof of residency with original documents for the past 5 years to get the baby’s documents to travel home.
Who has that when your traveling? Mind you copies? they can not be digital, everything has to be original documents due to the new immigration and naturalization laws.
A Passport is no longer proof you are a legitimate US citizen.
Can you please spare a upvote and resteem to them? ty
Did you show Bill your muscles?
He’s a changed man since 2016, eh? Well, here’s video of you interviewing him in 2018, and he still speaks highly of Hillary Clinton.
Your total lack of principle is an embarrassment to all of us. What say you drop the black and yellow, and leave the word “voluntaryist” out of your snake oil bullshit, and we call it a day?
We don’t need chameleons here.
So he is not “pro-pedophile” anymore?

Lol. Guess this pic made him unhappy:

That certainly is not an answer. #controversy
Senate there we go. I think a local seat might be more in the cards than POTUS for starters. Good on you thinkin big tho! ;) I'd vote 4 ya, but Arizona has a lot of good lawmakers as far as I can tell.
Get them involved with crypto and steemit
Please do elaborate what state Mr Weld is currently governor of?
I got mad respect for your efforts with the freedom book, but come election time you do some wackey shit my man. Endorsing (carbon credit pimp) Gary Johnson was one of them and now you're accepting an endorsement from ("pro-pedophile") Weld? That's almost as HIV positive as using the force of a click to censor a comment or rape someone's rewards. Yeah, you can drop your black and yellow too Kafka, you gat damn posing voluntaryist muthasucka. I said chameleon four days ago, it's very similar that you're using it now too. Hmm... I wonder how often people say the word chameleon?
I think Johnson and Weld running was to draw votes away from Trump. Yet, now he's endorsing you, Adam? Is he doing this so that you can do his job for him? Are your goals honest and true? How can he suddenly be lauded with his simple act of endorsing you? These are just some of the questions that your post has inspired. I'm hoping your intentions are to truly dismantle orderly and peacefully. Yet, the statistical odds of winning are so extraordinarily low that I fear you may only be drawing votes away from the lesser of two evils. If that's the case, hopefully they won't be electoral votes.
He’s a fraud. Proven it several times over now. Another slimy politician.
I say chameleon only when gayly listening to Culture Club (like every fuckin’ day).
Might we agree here, that Koke-rash is not so honest?
Good to get your opinion on the matter.
I don't know. When it comes to anarchism and voluntaryism and or even minarchism they all rhyme with each other, but are not exactly the same. I'm not sure that we can get to either of the three overnight. That's why I'm glad that Trump is trying to tear some of it down. Yet, I do not fully trust that Trump won't flip, go full Neocon, or radically left when/if he's reelected because if it happens, that's when he can stop campaigning and basically do almost whatever he wants.
Kokesh's views on boarders seem unsound to me in the immediate sense. I'd be open to open boarders if income taxes, social programs, the FED, and the war on drugs were halted first. Yet, still there would be the problem of terrorism to consider. If some kind of vetting were not occuring it would only be a matter of time before roaving bands of Negan-types would attempt to impose Sharia law in America. So I don't know how that problem would solve itself in the hypothetical example that America became a voluntaryist country, or even just limited in scope.
Say that Adam did become "not-president" and opened the boarders up, maybe he could even accomplish some of his goals and start to dismantle things. When he's voted out in the next elections the change in population would be tipped in favor of the left with the potential that America becomes a single party marxist state. Most would be like, well their wouldn't be a next election. Sure, thats how it would play out ideally. I think those who have paid attention to Trump are somewhat amazed at what he's been able to accomplish with so much resistance. So the next person to take the throne, or the not-throne, would have some idea about the sheer insanity they'd be up against if they tried.
I don't know if taking the office can get the US to move closer in the direction of either of those three ideologies, maybe Trump will prove me wrong on that. Even if he does, how often will we have an eccentric billionare candidate with the monetary horsepower, willpower, and courage to get things done? Pretty sure Trump is on some high-level game theory operation and we might not know if he falls left or right until after the next presidential election.
The deepstate manages to accomplish their goals via incrementalism, it takes forever but they get it done eventually. Adam's idea is to turn it all on it's head in one fell swoop. I don't know if that's possible. I hope he's not a fraud, I'd like to think his heart is in the right place. Lots of the strategy seems questionable to me. It's also important to note that the deepstate's strategy of incrementalism changed to match Trump's rapid pace in his attempts to undo some of what they've done. This could cause either side to lose bigly and very quick like at that. We might be witnessing and end game of sorts.
Either the end of America as we know it, or the end of the deep state.
Ah...You’re a Trump humper. I knew something was off.
Trump is already a Neocon blowing up little kids in the Middle East and centrally planning everything.
You are good at disinfo, just so you know. You never really take a position but also are sort of well spoken so it almost sounds like your stuff is cogent.
It’s perfect. It amounts to nothing and probably shuts a lot of people up.
As for Kokesh, nobody whose heart is in the right place speaks kindly of Bill Weld, threatens women, or plans to centrally distribute wealth ;)
LOL, I don't hump the Trump nor did I vote. He said lots of things which to me indicated that he might be a neocon. I was, however, pleasantly surprised by many of the good things he's done for America since he's taken office, none of which involve war in the middle east. I think he should bring the troops home and then let the Jews and the Muslims figure it out their damn selves. I never heard the part where Kokesh wanted to centrally distribute wealth? Karma Chameleon, damn you went to extreme measures to duck that one. Good song though, I'm a fan of 80's music myself.
People can act both good and bad at times. There's room for nuance, I think we should applaud trump when he does good and boo him when he does bad. I think you may see a black and white world, I see a gradient of grays.
You’d have to first make a clever remark/jab if I were to need to “duck” something. Implying that I borrowed the common word “chameleon” from you probably isn’t it 😂
Trump has been drone bombing at a greater rate than Obama.
Kokesh’s platform centers around his plan to divy up trillions of dollars of resources and distribute them as he personally sees fit.
On his website. I’m assuming you can read, but I know the legs of politicians are alluring.
LOL, okay I'm willing to let the chameleon thing go because you say it everyday "when gayly listening to Culture Club". In fairness to Adam Kokesh, his platform says he intends on liquidating DOD weaponry and to distribute the wealth from that. The way in which you abbreviated it made it sound nefarious. If you're an advocate of honesty, you should practice it too. A half truth is seen as a full lie by many.
He is going to personally oversee every department of the Federal gov as “custodian” (i.e. President) until it is “dissolved” (would take years) and allocate funds to businesses and groups of his persoanl choice, not based on principles property or the free market. No. Definitely no problems there...
Couldn’t make this shit up...
Someone needs to post the admiral akbar ... “it’s a trap” meme