All things Pokémon Go!

in #pokemongo9 years ago


In this blog I will attempt to dig deep into our collective souls to understand the phenomenon that is Pokémon Go. I will post about news surrounding the game, as well as talk about the game in detail. This will be a place to discuss our favorite Pokémon and represent our team color.

Whether you play the game, are interested in playing, hate the game, just caught your first Pokémon, or just caught your thousandth Pokémon. No one can deny the incredible reception this game has gotten in just a few weeks out to the public.

Let's have some friendly competition between Instinct, Mystic, and Valor. We all want to be the very best and we definitely have to catch them all, but just remember it is a game so be nice to your fellow Pokémon Masters.

Let the fun begin!
