Why I stopped playing pokemon (DELETED IT)
I downloaded pokemon a day after it was released at that day the game made 1.6 million dollars in earning
I was kinda excited everyone was talking about it so I downloaded and went into an adventure

I did this

{6 reasons}
- it was killing my battery very fast
- i was catching the same Pokemons all over
- it was eating to much of my MB internet
- it kept crashing on moments where i used to find a different pokemon than the usual
- cause if you get addicted you will spend a lot of money and waste your time and become a zombie pokemon hunter
[{6}] -> because i realized immediately that i was wasting my time i should be chasing my dreams and not some virtual Pokemons and making richer the game owner if aint benefiting aint participating simple
#quittedpokemongo #pokemongoisbad #pokemongowasteoftime #dontbepokemonzombie #besteemzombie
Nice (ツ)