Is Pokemon Go really a fitness app in disguise ??
Is #Pokemon Go a fitness APP in disguise ??
You have all heard of or are playing with the newest incarnation of Pokemon if you haven't where on earth have you been the last few weeks?
I downloaded it the other day to see what all the hype was about. I remember the first pokemon crazy back in the
90´s even though I was not part of it I was to busy being a teenager and lusting after girls.....
And I have to say the first thing that sprung to mind was this is not a game its a fitness App !
I mean seriously this thing gets you up off your ass and gets you out into the real world again walking, running being part of this.....
This was New York a couple of days ago people literally running to catch one of these strange little creatures....
Now the way i see it is the company who created GO might have been worried about the state of todays human race, they probably for saw a future where we all look like this

Which is fair enough its basically happening slowly right now. We as a species have become lazy, product driven zombies. We spend more time on the internet "talking" to our friends on line then we do in real life, I literally watched a woman and her son in the local cafe sitting side by side not saying a word then i hear laughter and look up and he has messaged her something instead of talking to her? WTF !
You see this is where Pokemon go comes into play .....this APP has literally got people who have not seen real day light since the 90´s back into the real world
.. OK sort of they are following a computer generated creature with a funny name and probably wings but that beside the point.
They are actually walking around trying to collect these things, working out as they do it .
flexing those muscles they rarely use anymore .....
And low and behold talking to people they meet on the street or park or in cars in traffic, Fantastic !!!
Pokemon Go might have saved the human race from becoming mindless fat zombies...Take England this week the actual Pokemon servers crashed due to so many people out and about playing....... to me that is amazing
Just a side not when playing Pokemon Go watch out for the real world because its still there and it hurts when you walk into traffic...
So what do you think....... is Pokemon GO the new messiah come to save us from ourselves ??? (And get us fit)
I think it is great app for lazy people !
Oh i do to its a great piece of marketing to get people off their respective ass