How to make money by playing Pokemon GO (not yet in Europe)

in #pokemon9 years ago (edited)

 Now you can play Pokémon and save money and get incentives from local stores.For real. Businesses are actually giving incentives to Pokémonners if they drop a 'lure' outside the shop, so that shit loads of people end up outside trying to grab the bastard, reports the Metro.These can only be used at Pokéstops, so people have to get off their arse and go there, which of course is very useful for businesses to make money. 

 Using app LureSquad, which isn't available to download yet in Europe, and is mainly being used on the other side of the Pond, companies can offer these incentives. I am sure it won't be long before it becomes big here. Pokemon Go may also help other businesses to promote themselves and reward the players, it's a win-win.