That Night In Seville (one night can last a lifetime)
I bought this music box that night in Seville...
Such a magical evening as we danced beneath the moonlight. I can still feel the warm night breeze as it fluttered softly through your long dark hair, and how your eyes reflected the candle light that surrounded us as the music played. Then you looked at me; that way only you could, and that's how I always knew you were the One!
Life with you was like a dream come true, every second more precious than the last. Blessed with such a wonderful family, our children grew up in a peaceful, loving home. Even now their lives grow fruitful. We were like two souls carved from the same stone. We may have weathered over the years, but in the end we stood firm throughout our days.
But how fleeting time can be... How fast our lives can pass... Two souls are now one, for our good Lord has chosen to take you from me. But as I sit here alone, drowning in tears, listening to this Music Box, a measure of peace becomes me. For despite my pain, I know we will always have That Night In Seville...
© Westley Nash (2016)
Note from the author: I'm not quite sure where this poem came from. It was the strangest thing, like recalling a memory, just not your own. I simply had a strong urge to write it and even fashion this music specifically to accompany it. I've never been married, never had children, not even slightly religious and never even been to Seville; and yet,here we are ;-) I can't tell you what it is: A vivid imagination? - Subconcious inspiration? - A past life? - Who knows! But all I can say is that this remains one of my most favourite creations.
Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and view my content, I am most honoured indeed and hope you have a really great day :)
Best wishes
Westley xx
Deep Underground Poetry

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Very interesting note, Westley!
Thanks :-) It certainly has the mind wondering ;-)
That is so beautiful!
Thanks :-) On the rare occcassion I seem to be able to break out the good stuff somehow lol ;-)
You're just that good! ^_^
A very romantic tell set to some lovely music:) A bit of a sad ending though. Do you think it is from a past life?
Thanks :-) It was one of those moments of inspiration that just appeared out of nowhere and practically wrote itself... The jury is still out on this case to be honest ;-)
Bribe the jury with pizza;)
You are so very in tune with your own feelings and I suspect others around you too. I would not be shocked to someday learn you are an Empath. :)
Well, it's certainly something I've been referred to a few times before :-)
I consider myself to be one. :)
I believe you are too :-)
Dang...made me both really sad and really happy at the same time :) Writing can be so weird sometimes...not knowing exactly where the words came from and all that, hehe. Always love dropping by your page!
Thanks :-) Yes, it was a creature of it's own origin this one... Sometimes when I read it back it's almost like someone else wrote it ;-) For ages I was searching the internet for fear that I had maybe heard it from sonewhere, but forgot lol ;-) But thankfully, it was an orginal.
That's the best kind of writing...the stuff you don't quite recognize :)