Puzzle Pieces (when the time is right)
Some are fortunate enough to find their place easy as a corner or an edge; it's so clear to see where they belong. While others remain lost among the huge pile of irregular shapes, with convoluted coloring, seemingly random edges and obscured detail that the leaves them feeling displaced, disillusioned and questioning their importance.
Sadly in their haste to belong many will try to fit in where they are not destined, but all too soon they realise that the pieces simply do not work together, and so they are rejected; put to the side feeling discarded, unwelcome and defeated.
But no matter your shape, your size or your detailing let your hope remain constant. For no matter how many times you find yourself turned away, it is inevitable that once all the pieces have been positioned, when the time is right your turn will eventually come.
In that singular moment the picture of your life and where you fit within it will become crystal clear. A rewarding spectacle that would be noticeably incomplete without you.
© Westley Nash (2016)
This poem is also displayed on my DeepUndergroundPoetry.org page here
Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and view my content, I am most honoured indeed and hope you have a really great day :)
Best wishes
Westley xx
Deep Underground Poetry

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Belonging and fitting in is way over-rated. In my experience, fitting in means swimming in a certain negativity pattern. I listen to people talk to each other and they are generally either complaining about a life situation or another person and this is what they believe to be intimacy. Just not interested in the that anymore. Energetically, it feels sour and false. I like humor, creating and karate and find people to relate with in those circumstances. But finding a co-dependency fit is not to my taste and this seems demanded in most intimate relationships. Or perhaps I am in transition ... who knows but it is what it is. I have embraced not fitting in ... perhaps I am just in the wrong puzzle box. Your work as always is first class:)
I agree, I think that whenever we "try" to fit in we are always sacrificing part of ourselves somehow to fit that mould. Because surely the picture we are naturally a part of "spiritually" wouldn't require such hefty sacrifice. Anytime I've found where I was best suited it tended to just work out, without any pushing or shoving and definitely no convincing; the pieces just fell into place. People used to tell me years ago that when you meet people who get you, and who you get, it's actually very easy to flow with that, but it wasn't until I felt it first hand that I understood. From experience I now know that if it's hardship and sacrifice then it's likely we are trying to flow with the wrong energy current.
Sing it, brother:) ... LOL ... you will have to excuse me, I am feeling pretty bossy this morning and ordering people about ... I think that movie rubbed off on me. I may be too impressionable. LOL. Have a great tale end to your day, Westley:)
No problem, you too Pryde :-)
How to fit in? How can I know what piece of puzzle I have to play? Could it be that what I am now is the piece that I should play? If hardship and sacrifice is the negative flow, then we complacency and comfort is enough?
I fear you ask me questions only you can answer. First ask what you struggle for, is it for a positive effect in the end or a negative one? You could hammer in one piece to fit with another by brute force alone, but the picture would not be comprehensible. To force one's fitting in with social groups or with people is the same thing. The phrase of flogging a dead horse is one that when we try hard to fit in but cannot, no matter how hard we flog ourselves or punish others; in my experience if it doesn't fit then it doesn't fit.
For me it's not about "comfort" ease, by more procedural ease. If you try to drive uphill in the wrong gear then the car will labour to the point of stalling. But get it into the right gear and then you start climbing. It's not easy to say which gear is the absolute best for the process, but once you find it then it just works. I find that when we try to fit into something that's everything we are not, it's because deep down we dislike everything we are.
I'd like to think I'm struggling for a positive one but lots of factors come into to play especially my what my family will think that what I want is lost in the process because I have to put them first. Does that make sense? Also, I know their concern is for me not to get hurt in the end or in the process. Must I head on to experience and see the outcome of things, to see if it is for me or not? Or heed their advice? Should I let fate or God take matters into play? Those are the kinds of questions I constantly ask.
That makes perfect sense :-) We have those who care for us and those we care for, we cannot turn our backs on that. What I would maybe suggest is to think of life as a constantly unfolding thing, that where you are now is not necessarily your end destination; to perhaps take it a bit easier on yourself. When I think of my own experiences, I came to see that the places I fit the most were not always ones that I necessarily wanted to fit in, but only because I was not happy in myself, that it was only when I accepted myself that these places became my home. There are times when we can be the obstacle to our own procedural ease ;-)
Besides, I have come to think that we cannot avoid finding our place, it gravitates to us as we to it. When you look aroud the world at how many groups who celebrate things like Star Trek, Star Wars, Harry Potter for example. Their passion for the story brings them together in groups, to conventions. People who like sports or muisc or books are the same, they tend to find similar minded people. I supose what I'm saying here is that rather than look to other people and ask if we can fit them, we can look to ourselves, understand who we are and what we like and what we stand for. If we know where we fit in ourselves then we can have an idea what bigger picture we are part of.
Thanks! This certainly helps to think clearer. It also reassures me to not to think of it as a burden to rather be more accepting of what IS.
No problem :-) Much I find is about letting our natural energy find it's natural flow without our constant interruption ;-) Don't worry, I'm sure you will get there.
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Yes, thank you Cheetah bot, I have been expecting you ;-) I beat you too it and included this link in the post already.
Well unless you was an extra puzzle piece that shouldn't have been in the box. (that would be me) just saying..
Anyway, nice poem well your poems always are great.
True, but that means that their is still an incomplete picture out there somewhere without you in it.. But I get your meaning ;-) Thank you :-)