Life & Death Haikus: Fallen Angel Offspring (Original Poem)

Six fingers, six toes, large bones
Walking among us...

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My very own wonderful gif logo provided to me by the generous and kindhearted @papa-pepper Thanks again very much!
Are you familiar with the American Indians burning the giants in a cave?
Sorry I just got to this comment, no I have not, How interesting, I must research into this tooic because me and my family are part American Indian from the Cherokee and Apache tribes, thanks for asking and raising this to my radar
An excellent starting place. I have this book, it's very good.
An excellent starting place. I have the book and it's very good.
I shall start here thank you for the heads up link!
Awesome and well written, Thanks for sharing @verbal-d
Thanks, I appreciate it.
mmmh they are definitely among us, roaming about looking for who to devour, nice poem.
great message.
Thank you very much bro, yeah they are still here, surviving the flood from the days of Noah. I am currently writing a poem with that word Devour in it, I am sure you know the Bible verse it is from. :) God bless you
i am bible oriented person boss, i know my bibles well, spiritual and physically inclined, boss kindly check my blog p.s i dropped a video verse i thought you might appreciate, thanks for rsvp me.
Nice bro, you're welcome, I will check it out when I have time for sure, appreciate the heads up
I enjoyed the post, but enlighten me ant "6 feet's"
Yes the offspring have six fingers and six toes, but not six feet, that would be crazy lol
Los Nefilim, considerarlos ángeles caídos, y no seres humanos, es que las mujeres que con ellos copularon dieron a luz a Gigantes. Según Génesis, vivían antes del diluvio. Muchos no conocen esta historia.
Facinante tu Post. Mis saludos.
Muchas gracias, sí, es bueno enseñar estas cosas porque los Nephilim sobrevivieron después de la inundación y viven hoy. Dios te bendiga
Thank you so much, yes it is good to teach these things because the Nephilim survived after the flood and live today. God bless you