Unintended Poetry: Catfish

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Nice to meet you, Percy.
Haven't seen you before.
I'm probably the youngest here.
I'm also a 13 year old
from Croatia.
I'm whatever you want me to be.
Soo... I don't write poetry but we were joking around about anonymity on the internet over at the TWB discord. @damianjayclay did his magic and turned it into a poem. I got... #editedbyclay.
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Nice one. Great social commentary on internet predators.
Thanks! And thank you for the edit :)
You just got clayed
I did indeed...
Wait...so you're NOT a 13 year old from Croatia?
@negativer contacts a lawyer
Uhh... well... I'm also a 15 year old from Sweden and an old farmer from Illinois.
Haha! I don't know how it took me so long to get it. Nice one. Sometimes poetry simply happens, no?
Lol! Thank you. Damian (bear) is showing us all that we are poets!
I'm confused. You don't write poetry. But this is a poem. So you posted something that you didn't write?!! Should I report you somewhere....?
Eh... yes... sure.
He provided appropriate citing. He doesn't write poetry but he wrote the words and Clay turned it into a poem....
Yes, I meant this comment to provide an easy opening to show how @surfknasen does such a great job in catching plagiarizing on this platform.
Not only did he provide appropriate citing, he also showed respect by showing us the process of how he reached the final product of this poem.
Sorry. I'm not awake yet. I think he's awesome and did awesome. And a lot of other people could learn from him.