⠀ It makes each of you beautiful in your own ways, and what a damn celebration that is, and should be

in #poetry6 years ago

I think we are all pieces of the people who love us - a little gentleness, a little strength. ⠀

We are hodgepodges of the people we've grown up with, surrounded ourselves by. We are fragments of the situations we've gone through or overcome. We carry little reminders of the ones we've loved or have loved us. That's so beautiful, isn't it?⠀

I think sometimes we get so wrapped up in being one of two things: either like everyone else, or so different that we don't have a place to fit. ⠀

I think it's liberating that we can, and should, and will have our own stories - ones that look nothing like the people sitting next to us. And yet, we're all similar in the moments we share, the emotions we feel, the humanness. We are all little pieces of everyone we've met, or loved, or touched. ⠀

And wen we look outside ourselves, we're constantly trying to measure up, looking at what we're lacking instead of what we have. We're forever fighting to be something else, or to be something so different that we're hardly recognizable. And it's funny, because all that we are so desperate to change is what the person next to us longs for, and praises within us. We just can't see it.⠀

So maybe it's not about worrying so much about where you fit or even who you are. Because those answers will come in time. Maybe it's about building others up, building yourself up in return. Maybe it's not about fitting in or standing out, but figuring out what you love and pursuing that, and sharing your passion with the person sitting next to you instead of overthinking what they have or don't have vs. you.⠀

Maybe it's about realizing that you're going to be taller, or shorter, or wider, or thinner, or louder, or better, or less, or whatever - than someone you see, or interact with, or even love - but that doesn't make either of you less in comparison.⠀