The Alchemy of Grace

in #poetrylast year (edited)

The Alchemy of Grace


In the realm of the grand and the solemn expanse,
Where whispers of nightfall do eerily dance,
God took but a grain from the slumbering land,
And wrought with a touch from His almighty hand.

A mountain arose, where there once was naught,
A testament to the miracles sought,
From the meek and the mild, the frail and the small,
He summoned the strength to outstand them all.

The mighty, they trembled, the proud were abased,
By the weakest of vessels, God's power encased,
For in His grand scheme, where the cosmos align,
The humblest of souls become the divine.

Christ walked with the scorned, the wretched, the lost,
And turned hearts of stone into hearts that defrost,
From the depths of despair, the shadows of night,
He guided the wayward to the promise of light.

So remember the lesson, the truth that it tells,
In the weakest of whispers, the mightiest swells,
For the mountain from sand, the strong from the weak,
Are the works of the Lord, of whom the angels speak.

"God takes a grain of sand and turns it into a mountain. God uses the weakest and meekest to humble the strong. Christ walked with the worst of humanity and turned them into the best of it. What don’t you get about that “Christian”?”

  • S