Happy Valentine's Day VII

in #poetry5 years ago

Happy Valentine’s Day VII

So I am thinking of “V” words again
Like how you will find a Vicar at a Vestry
His Vicarge would be a good place for a Vestal
What do you think of our Vice President?
Do you support his Vice Presidency?
What is your Vocation?
I hope you are not Vulgar there
A Vulgarian’s Vulgarism would find them jobless
If you Vulgarize your whole life
You will get no where
To switch topics…
I refuse to be Vulnerable anymore
This Vulnerability is no good
A Vulpine would be nice
He would be Victorious
We would live in a Villa
We would thrive in all of our Vim
With a beautiful Vineyard in our backyard
We would make a living for being a Vintner
My man would be Virile
He Virtually makes love with pure Virtuosity
His Visage is stunning
Let’s interrupt this program for more “V” words…
Does a Vestryman wear a Vestment?
Vesture, Vet, and Vetch helped me to finish another page in the dictionary
A Veterinary clinic can help animals which have been a Victim of those who Victimize innocent animals
A Videocassette, Videodisc, and Video games are cool
A Videotape recorder would be good for a Voyeur
How about Viaticum, Via, and Vice admiral?
A Villain and a Villainess love being Villainous together
They Vilify the Villagers who live in a Village
Their Villainy is well known
A Vicar-general is not as popular as a Vicegerent
A Vice regal is used in relating to a Viceroy
Ever seen things turned Vice Versa?
Perhaps if I made some Vichyssoise
I could ride in a Victoria with my Viola by my side and beautiful Violas all around
No one would Violate me on this sunny day
I would ride along searching for my prince
I wonder if he will be one with a Virtu or will he be a Videlicet
I hope he will not be like a Vicuna and spit on everyone, yuck!
If he is a Vol
I want his name Vignette on my heart
We would be Vociferous in our love making
More “V” words would be Vulgate, Vulcanize, and Voyageur
Your Voxpopuli would be like a Voucher to Vouchsafe with a warm heart not that which would be considered Volatile
Ever wanted to explore Volcanology?
This would make for interesting Vocationalism
Or perhaps you would want to study Virology
You may find yourself focusing on Virion
I think Virtual reality is cool
I uphold the best Virtuous life I can
I hope this is Vis and I will continue to have a Visa to stay where I am
I hate being Vis-à-vis with others
I would rather be Vis-à-vis with people I love
I want to be a Visionary and a Visionary who Visits my fans
My Visitation will never run out
My future would be so bright I would need a Visor to be able to see
Now, one last interruption for more “V” words:
Victual, it is always good to be Victual in the face of a storm
Let us give thanks for the Victuallers out there
Victimless, Videophone, and Vietcong are more “V” words
To be in a Viewership would be cool
To hear someone’s Viewpoint
And then hold a Vigil for those we have lost
When will all of the Violence end?
When will all of the Violent people be destroyed?
Imagine no more Violations
We could listen to the Viol being played and rejoice in peace
There would be no more Violable people in the world anymore
And as I bid you all adieu, may your Valentine’s Day be special
This year my Valentine is a one hundred and four year old veteran
God Bless—from my Vital signs to yours ♥

By, Tiffany Simar