Publication Round-Up: January 2019

Several literary magazines have been publishing my poetry on their online magazines. As these poems are (mostly) not available on this blog, I thought of doing a round-up and presenting links to all the poems that have been digitally published throughout January.
Skyline in Lucent Dreaming
Looking for Beauty in Constellate Magazine
Lost Sheep in Burning House Press
Thinking of You in Royal Rose Magazine
A Queer Hymn Sung by an Atheist in Terse Journal
Butterfly Wings in Nightingale and Sparrow
Moreover, I’ve been interviewed twice. You can read the features in the following links.
Jeremy Mifsud in the Spotlight by Lucent Dreaming
INKling Wall of Fame: Jeremy Mifsud by @ink-ubator
That’s it for the public posts that are not featured on my blog. As I’ve said in some previous posts, most of these publications offer no payment, and hence I’d appreciate any donations directed to Ko-Fi or, or support by purchasing a copy of my collection, Welcome to the Sombre Days.
We're so proud of you!
Yay!! Thank you for sharing this. I think you know I've been waiting!! 🖤🖤🖤
Yesss :3 I kidna disappeared from buddyup, sorry! I should try to drop by every now and then. It's been some time coming, but feels like I'm getting there!
Yay! So glad to read that is finally happening! You deserve all the attention and publicity! Your rock! Proud of you!
Thank you!! It's onnly the beginning. I need so much more to happen, but I'm dreaming big :D